
joined 9 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

would they have called themselves gamers?

I would

a certain minimum degree of investment in a hobby/culture is required before you can name yourself as a participant

The particular games you choose isn't really relevant to this though. If you have 600 hours in Spider Solitaire, and you think it's important enough to you that you'll self identify as a "gamer", who am I to be a keeper of the gates?


I have a bunch of services on a home machine and I use cloudflare tunnels to access them on the WAN. My ISP locks down ports 80 and 443, and so tunnels were the most viable way for me to get various pages online easy; especially helped since it's easy to configure and free to boot.

But I've been seeing more people talk about it being privacy invasive, and while I'm probably gonna remain largely ignorant on why, I was wanting to know if there was an alternative to this that I can use?