[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Two questions: do you want to be able to play the guitar?

If yes:

Can you turn the guitar sideways and take a picture so we can see the space between the strings and the fret board?

Do that and I'll send you a link to a tab that is super easy but still a recognizable song. Then you can build from there.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

Still worth stating facts though. Someone pursuing posts might be swayed by talking points if there isn't a dissenting voice.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 1 day ago

I'm pro worker. If you make a living by selling your labour, Sweet. Let's overthrow the arseholes ruining the world.

I can also stand behind good, worker focused policy, and anything that can lead to an end of imperialism and colonialism/neo colonialism.

So by definition I am against everything the American government and its institutions stand for. Which is probably a bit jarring to folks.

I realize you weren't really asking me, but I think it's important to still respond to folks who have the political wherewithal of an old man who shouldn't be paraded around in public, let alone given nuclear codes.

You don't need to simp for a country, you can be your own person and want a better world for people while recognizing that the wealth gap is a power gap, related to the ownership of businesses, real estate, etc. And that the only way to experience true freedom is to over turn that power structure and fight for the freedom of everyone.

Why is it that two senile old men are lined up to be the next president of the USA? Are they really the best? Why is it that all their friends are wealthy and get wealthier during their time in office? Does what you think have any impact on policy? Or do you still have to fight at every turn to prevent catastrophe? Why are so many people working so many jobs with so little pay or benefits compared to any other country? Do Americans just absolutely suck as people and are as productive as ranch dressing? I don't think so. The deck is stacked against you. That is to say, the wealthy designed and control the system in which you and everyone else exists. Of course it will work for them and not you. That's why as soon as the power structure is threatened, they start assassinating people. (MLK, tried Castro a bunch of times, Malcolm X, etc.)

Or lol China Russia beep Boop

[-] [email protected] 17 points 2 days ago

Ahh yes, the bastion of freedom is policing someone else's waters. It's a good thing too. Can you imagine if the American government, with their senile president, Cheetos future president, and general lack of empathy for anything other than money and control, allowed such a thing as a sovereign nation to exist outside of their boot? Nonsense

[-] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago

Do you have a source for this suspicion?

Currently China is almost completely responsible for raising people out of poverty on a global scale. This suggests that, if the CPC is funneling money into the accounts of government officials, it's mostly being used to build wealth for the people.

Besides, if the CPC has the power to limit the salaries of the wealthy, why bother jumping through hoops to raise your personal wealth when you could just raise your salary, or use a priori knowledge of the stock markets and accept "lobbying " money to raise your level of wealth like American politicians?

[-] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago

No you see they haven't announced they are at war. They are there on a peace keeping mission. Those are bombs of peace

[-] [email protected] 10 points 1 week ago

Though given western aggression, I can't say I blame them tbh. It's how the DPRK has avoided being invaded by the west. I just wish American and all its puppets would would fuck right off and stop starting shit just to keep its shareholders happy.

Because at the end of the day, it's some guy who needs to earn a living being told to kill some other guy who needs to earn a living, just so some rich removed can keep control over a bunch of people who are just trying to earn a living.

[-] [email protected] 14 points 1 week ago

I mean, if a government keeps saying we need more guns in schools to prevent school shootings, are you surprised that they are also saying this?

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

I'm glad you're here doing Mao's work. Otherwise the "pro-empire" folks would have an uninhibited platform.

[-] [email protected] 14 points 1 week ago

They could also stop abstaining from votes pertaining to Palestinian statehood. Start expanding our options for trade, be more aggressive with the "rule of law" with regards to our trade relations with the US.

There's a lot more that can be done than supplying the weapons and funding used to kill Palestinians. In fact doing nothing would be better

[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

Obviously. To minimize the effect of what little say citizens have, you make it as difficult as possible to vote.

Given that the existence of the US as it is (i.e. 5 companies in a trench coat) is completely dependent upon continued neo colonialism, I'm surprised it took this long to auto-enroll citizens for the draft

[-] [email protected] 11 points 2 weeks ago

I like how the reactionary communities post shit that isn't thought out. Then you got a couple of... Left communities where they post thought out essays. Too long to read but probably mostly true

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