[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

This is the thing. People like to blame Berniebros and whatnot for Clinton's loss in '16, but the reality is that the centrist Democrats that vote for the party's corporate-backed candidate wouldn't vote for a progressive one, so even if Bernie had won the nomination, he probably still would have lost because he would have lost the support of these DNC hardliners. I heard people literally say in '16 that if Bernie had somehow won the nomination over Hillary that they would have just stayed home. It's wild to think how ideologically balkanized the Democratic party is, with so many people fervently belonging to the leftist minority that holds their nose every election to vote for another mediocre person whose best attributes are being "not an outright fascist" versus the people who will never vote for a truly left wing candidate because they're fiscally conservative but socially liberal and just allergic to compromising in the same way that they've forced the leftists in their party to do since forever.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

What are they, 1-2% of the potential Dem voter base?

Add a .000 in front of those numbers and you might be right. If those numbers were accurate you would expect somewhere between, what...1 and 2 million tankies in the US alone?

[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

surprised to find indignation at sexual scenes in novels

To quote Ryan Letourneau, "Gen Z is Puritanpilled." Seriously, I've found post-millennial generations to be extremely prudish. I think part of it has to do with the fact that as the internet evolved and became mainstream (and more profitable by catering to general audiences), the edgy or adult content became more ghetoized and quarantined over time. Used to be you'd go to reddit and there'd be porn on the front page. There's like a 0% change of finding something NSFW on the front page there now. As such, younger people who grew up with the modern incarnation of the internet have a very different perspective on sexual content than those of us who grew up with a more "wild west" style internet where porn was just something that lived alongside the more mundane content. The side-effect of this is also that content like the John Irving novels you're talking about are treated as if they're grotesque for presenting sex as just another part of people's lives - something that you're not supposed to be shy about or ashamed of. Which is, uh...concerning, for a number of reasons. Other theories are that the world in which we live has eroded platonic relationships among young people and that they want to only see platonic friendships among characters, as that's the vicarious experience they most desire.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

It's episode 2. "Fifteen Million Merits."

[-] [email protected] 8 points 2 weeks ago

How much easier is it for Google to implement the same?

The correct question is actually "when will Google implement the same?" Because this is a "when will it happen" question, not a "will it happen" question.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago

Edging is not a new thing, really. You've probably just never encountered the concept. Edging is the practice of bringing yourself to the edge of orgasm before backing away. The idea is that when you do finally orgasm it's been "built up to" by the earlier edging so you get a better climax.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

I find the movies conceptually interesting because there aren't many movies in which humans are just explicitly the bad guys, or in terms of the most recent one just a supporting entity that exists on the periphery of the story. Avatar kinda does that, too, but the Avatar movies are also puddle deep genre fiction and the "of the Apes" movies are at least structurally and narratively competent.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

My favorite was the Chapo Traphouse subreddit because the image in this post describes the hosts and their relationship with their fans. Whenever the subreddit got banned and the hosts heard about it their response was "good, that was the right choice. We fully support the admins here and their banning of that subreddit." The reddit fans were so salty.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Under the Dome has always been super interesting to me because Brian K. Vaughn is one of the best comic book writers of all time and a consistent criticism of UTD is how bad the writing is. I know he didn't write many of the episodes, though, but I also wonder how his episodes rank in comparison with the others.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

Anything related to a DND live play I'm going to assume will be immediately toxic by virtue of what I understand about DND's fanbase. I love Dimension20 and I like Critical Role but I'm going to assume every other fan of the show is an insufferable idiot.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago

I'm actually a huge fan of scalping and hope it happens more. Here's why: many of your more dim-witted, more or less middle-class "free market" bros will gladly tell you that the value of a good is set by supply and demand. Hospital care is so expensive because there are comparatively few doctors, MRI machines, etc. in comparison with the entire population. Houses are so expensive because everyone wants a house and it's an appreciable asset. I've seen these people my entire life. They'll decry socialism and make the age old joke that "socialism is when no potato." But the second a PS5 gets a street price of 700 bucks, suddenly they become walking "Homer Simpson fading into the hedge and coming back out wearing a different outfit" memes. They'll say things like "scalping should be illegal" or "the government should step in to make sure that the actual consumers who want one can get one - nobody should be allowed to buy 500 of them and just sit on them forever." Suddenly, market economics produces a state of inequality that doesn't directly benefit them, and the guiding hand of the government should be used to ensure equitable distribution of resources. Not that they'd ever reflect on this in any way or consider how their personal experiences indicates a larger set of structural problems with the economic systems that produce such a state of affairs.

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