[-] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I am sorry, I dont know how to do syntax highlighting in html, if it helps, can you please check it on codeberg (link in table of content and also mid text), there you can choose your preferred highlighting.

Yes, it is similar to aliases, I covered that bit in executing stuff, my problem from the times i had aliases was that sometimes i could not remember the aliases i had set (i had greater than 50 at some time), and for such reasons, there are programs like navi and cheats, I used to use navi, but then i had a different binding to call navi (ctrl+g by default) and this way I have only 1 binding, and that helps develop a great muscle memory. also aliases can only mimic the behaviour of Type or Exec sections, for others, you would need something else

and yes, the result is indeed graphical, I will add screenshots

Launcher for Everything* (sga.codeberg.page)
submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is an article I wrote. Sorry mods if it is not allowed I checked the sidebar rules, and closest was no ads, and I do not know if this qualifies for that (I do not have ads or analytics on the page)

Edit - Thanks to @[email protected] for recommendations. I have now Included an image and a video demo of using the script, and also got syntax highlighting


Edit 2 - I have chnaged my keys for password, so dont worry about that, and about low quality and stuttering video playback, that was just network being poor at that time, also i forgot to give a demo of calculator and web searching, forgive me for that, and if you want, instead of term-dmenu, you can use fzf directly, and you would not leave terminal

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

and alongside that, include your new mail as the reply to address, hopefully people will click for that while replying, and eventually save/use the new mail

[-] [email protected] 12 points 3 weeks ago

you may not even have to change to another browser or fork, please have a look at some designs in https://trickypr.github.io/FirefoxCSS-Store.github.io/ select a design and follow the page, and you shall find the instructions (usually just downloading/pasting userChrome/Content.css)

and for scrolling tabs, if your problem is very small tab size, then try changing browser.tabs.tabMinWidth in about:config

[-] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

chad winnie the poo - tap water*

*(cleaned if required)


joined 3 weeks ago