[-] [email protected] 11 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Tuxedo is a well known and respected linux laptop vendor and nearly everyone I've talked to loves their device. One guy I talked to did say they've had issues with build quality and bad webcam however. Mostly though people I've known are very happy with the product especially with tuxedo os. I've asked about build quality with positive responce from everyone else. I hear the webcams still pretty trash though from everyone. Behind system76 I'd argue them to be the most well known. It'll likely be what I pick up next too, but my current hp laptop is still more than reasonable 5 years on.

As for price especially with that screen I'd say it's pretty reasonable.

If you're still not convinced, I've also heard good things about slimbook and personally like their style a bit better

[-] [email protected] 8 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I'm going to run this in a hannah Montana linux vm, boot a live disc, then try and recover.

Linux puzzle edition

[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Sorry I'm a bit late, and it seems you've chosen endeavor (good choice), but I'll still give you some suggestions.

First off on endeavor, it's essentially just a graphical, easier arch installer so if you're having issues and can't find anything endeavour specific anything arch linux will work the same. The arch wiki os a great resource for anything.

Secondarily, I can suggest opensuse tumbleweed, or fedora. Both are more stable while being very up to date. Arch, and endeavor, will usually be the first distro to see an issue that misses testing. These two distros are just a bit behind arch but still very quick to update. Tumbleweed is also pretty bare bones too, after I installed everything I needed for a normal work instal it was about 6.7gb. Great distro, terrible logo.

To finish off I am sorry about manjaro. It does look great, it's got a nice color scheme, and plasma by default is wonderful to see. That can be gotten pretty easily on any distro though. When you install endeavour you can select kde plasma. It's also default on tumbleweed, and you can get a plasma spin for fedora.

Wish you the best in your journey, I'm sorry it's off to a bit of a rough start

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

You are misrepresenting my points, and the anger you ascribe to me is odd, as the only person representing this behavior is you. You insult me, you misrepresent my points, you say I'm defined by my aparent hatred. This is strange behavior only suited to getting your "enemy" to shut up and in no way constructive nor condusive to a reasonable conversation.

Firstly, my issue is that they don't warn about the dangers of the aur properly. Not that they promote it at all. If you read my statement I am clear. The aur is very useful, though dangerous. Also, on manjaro, version mismatch is likely to happen as the aur is built for arch and arch is two weeks ahead. You however pretend my point to be some entirely different thing in order to get you epic own.

Next, on the aur 'ddosing', what do I not understand? The first time, ok, that's reasonable we all make mistakes. They did it again though in the same way. Nothing was done on their end to stop this from happening. Something we will see continually as they just don't stop making weird, unnecessary mistakes.

As for me being Inigo Montoya, I actually am for your information. Manjaro killed my daddy-dom while I was sucking him off and for that I cannot forgive the company.

This hatred you fantasize about does not come from me. Calm down and maybe try actually talking to people instead of trying to "own" them, or to simply "destroy the anti-manjarites"

Edit: I see in the other post you did the same. Ignore what people kindly talking about their issues with manjaro say responding with hateful comments pretending they were the real issue. This is a continual issue with you

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I would absolutely love it if manjaro was a reasonable choice. It was my first pick too. Their continual incompetence is what makes me wary of the company. I doubt you want a conversation as you're quick to paint me in this light but I do expand here on my major reasons:


Some of this stuff happened only a few years ago. The same people are still running this company. I have no reason to think they've changed.

If you just want "arch made easy" I would suggest endeavorOs (best wallpapers hands down) or arco linux.

I love the idea of manjaro and sincerely hope that either a, they get their shit together (which is preffered), or b, a new manjaro like distro comes into existance.

The two week delay along with the calamari installer, and default plasma desktop give me a half chub already thinking about it. I'd be full send for it if the devs were competent

[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

absolutely, thank you for asking

Manjaro has been continuously destructivte to the open source ecosystem it utilizes and it's users through continual incompetence.

Manjaro and it's staff often suggested to users that they use "pacman -Syyu" by default to update, which ignores caching to get a reloaded database. This puts a heavier load on the volunteers hosting the repos.

Manjaro made a campaign stating that "Manjaro works on the m1 apple macbook!" Shipping a random kernal from asahi linux which did not work at all. The project was nowhere near ready at the time and could never boot. This wasn't the latest build either, just some random build. This build could have easily broken users macbooks.

Back to the asahi, when it did work they pushed an update to the kernal that broke half the users gui. This by updating a library which was documented to break in this manner. It broke all x11 instances showing they didn't even run it to ensure it worked. No benefit existed from updating either more was it stated to be the goal of their patch. The reason it wasn't checked by the devs is due to the fact the patch came from the lead arm dev of manjaro. This man should know better.

On the funding of manjaro, a company, things have been a little funky. After a spat between their treasurer and leader of the project the treasurer either left or was removed. Now, what happened is blurry, but now the sole person in charge of money is that leader who has never appointed a new treasurer as they stated they would. Atleast since last I checked. If the previous treasurer is right this person was utilizing development funds to acquire a powerful gaming laptop. Something which is directly against the stated purposes this company may use money, and the responsibility of a treasurer to deny.

They let their ssl run out 5 times. 5 times. I am a web dev, this shouldn't happen once. One can automatically renew it. This shows their continual incompetence. The first time, they suggested users set back their clocks so it would stop complaining.

Manjaro ddosed the aur twice using their tool pamac. Both in the same manner showing once it had happened nothing changed to ensure it couldn't twice. This was not malice of course, just an mistake twice made.

Back to the aur, though many will never have an issue as they only use it for general programs they don't hold it back that two week period so version mismatches can break that which is installed from the aur.

Still on the aur, the ability to enable it is right next to flat packs and snaps in pamac. Both are relatively safe, unlike the aur. They do not properly warn users about the aur. I'll admit this to be a lesser thing, but anyone using the aur should know it's faults. It's just a list of scripts which your pc will run to install a package that'll auto update to the next version of a script when updating. This means, basically anything can be put inside there. By design too this is rarely maintained by the devs of a project. One issue which came up, the cemu emulator a very commonly used package had to calls to an IP logger alongside a list of people who can "go fuck themselves". If you let this update without reading it you can recieve malicious updates. When malware exists and propagates on linux the aur is the first place it'll go. You need to be able to read the scripts and do so each update . The air is a very useful tool but a dangerous one.

There's more out there but I'm going to leave it here. Sorry for the rambling nature, but I' a bit tired right now

[-] [email protected] -2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Manjaro damaging it's image wouldn't be a new thing. That's mostly dust at this point. No though, as others have explained this isn't an issue, currently

[-] [email protected] 13 points 3 weeks ago

That's actually a really interesting idea. Windows even does something, or at a point did something, similar with system updates.

Peer to peer packages would have some privacy, and potential security issues of course but I like the thought

[-] [email protected] 77 points 1 month ago

You are valid, and we love you

[-] [email protected] 10 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

If my players said that from this image the spear would suddenly become a pretty sick magic item.

It's also cursed though, like the one ring, to cause jealousy and greed

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

It is 5 am, I have not slept tonight, but what I have done makes me very happy.

It was too easy and took no coding. Even though I'm a professional programmer I was not excited to learn qt and hate c++ with a passion. I did not need to. Seriously, it is my belief that anyone could have done this if they really wanted to

The Problem

I've not been able to find a theme which lets me have small floating panels and a nice brownish colour profile. All the brown themes I've liked have a massive border radius in the floating panels, and thus my two panel layout takes up an absurd amount of space. 64 pixels in total, though it seems a bit larger to me. Maybe that doesn't account for the bottom empty space.

Fixing It

I knew at this point I'd have to learn a bit about plasma theming in order to get what I wanted, and had been procrastinating for about a month. Tonight, I could not sleep, so around 2 I decided to try it out. I started online and found nothing on my specific problem, with people suggesting I just "try another theme". Perhaps I was googling wrong, but no useful information there. went back in to the settings though and found the edit button on the plasma theme section. Right there were all the SVGs needed to alter the theme and a nice button to get to the directory where it was all housed.

I searched up panel, found three images, and tried something incredibly dumb. I just yeeted them into inkscape, made the borders on each image smaller, and changed my theme away and back. Fantastic, now the corners are smaller and I can shrink my panels to a reasonable size. It took about 15 minutes in total. To be fair, each corner was it's own path and I had to do this 4 times and be cautious of some shadowing but I seriously think anyone could have gotten this done. Fuck man, the theme I'm using is distributed under the GPL. That's place is wild.


Plasma is built for people who want to change their experience and I love the devs for that. At this point I'd be surprised if I found something I couldn't do. If you're curious, here's the finished product. It'll take some more work with a colour picker to get the sliders the right way but for now this is fantastic

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