
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 17 points 2 weeks ago

Pushed to prod

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Interesting. Can you give an example?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

I'll rephrase.

My first thought was a survival scenario.

Your first thought was selfish evil.

Why was that, I wondered?

My point is that your world view was to interpret it as a negative first. Not a comical musing. Angsty.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 months ago

Never mind; username explains.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 months ago (3 children)

I was first imagining being in the same era and happening upon one as one would a deer in the words.

You first imagined cruelty and elitism. Why it's that?




I'm looking for recommendations for an Android app to track and report GPS-type data (if such an app exists). Specifically, I'm hoping to be able to extract stops, origin/destination, roads/route traveled, and speed information.

Two use cases:

  1. Friend does an ad-hoc delivery service where requests are phoned in when they're needed rather than scheduled ahead of time. The ability to see where they started, where they went, and what roads/distance they traveled as they scurry about all day without having to enter it all manually into a map program later on would be invaluable to calculating expenses.
  2. Same friend was pulled over, while I was also in the vehicle, for speeding but was definitely not exceeding the speed limit. I would've loved to be able to pull up some GPS data that said what speed we were going at the time on the road in question.
[–] [email protected] 17 points 2 months ago

People think motivation comes before action, but it is actually the reverse. You have to decide (not be motivated) to act, and the motivation will follow.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

You just never use a desktop profile. You have an account on mobile, and every time you go desktop you sign in with the app and qr code so you're always using the same db on each machine.

My desktop app has zero profiles and no db; I only sign in with my mobile.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Actually, you can scan a qr code and use on both


I'm trying to figure out what's happening to me and I'm not sure where to look.

For the last several years, whenever I listen to silence-filling noise (white, brown, pink, etc.) I tend to hear additional sounds. It's like having your radio tuned to a MHz that's just off a tiny bit, so you hear static but there's just a slight edge of voices or something that you can't quite make out but is definitely there. Sometimes, instead of voices, it's also patterns in the noise or various pitches.

It happens in a variety of situations, like Youtube videos, audio tracks from meditation apps and noise generators, and even devices that have no audio input or antenna and are specifically for noise as you'd find in the waiting room of a massage clinic. It even happens when it's a completely benign source like an air fan. And the sounds I hear match the volume of the source.

Do I have superpowers? A brain tumor? Am I just sensitive to imperfect wave form generation? Am I part-dog? Have I done damage to myself from listening to Metallica way too loud for too many years?

Where do I start looking into this? Does anyone have any possible explanations for what I'm experiencing that might lead me in the right direction?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I, too, find striking the balance between staying informed and protecting myself from negativity to be daunting, disheartening, and frequently unrealistic.

What helped me was my coincidental transition to services that have little or no "algorithmic" influence, such as switching to Lemmy/Mastodon. It requires me to be more intentional with my willing exposure to content, at the cost of being less convenient to find new content.

Like, I don't get as many new songs in my playlists since I jumped out of Spotify. It means I need to get creative in order to try new artists, but I'm not hitting the skip button as much, either.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

Disclaimer: I don't have a suggestion for you. Just a thought experiment.

I rate a product/service against a bunch of things, like privacy, ease of use, utility, necessity, etc., and come to an important radio.

I have a similar scenario (very young spectrum child), so I tried this.

It's gonna be hard to geo track anything without sharing the data unless you can launch your own satellites.

The trigger scenarios (natural disasters, kidnappers, or just general/accidental negligence/happenstance) really feel like fringe cases. While the utility of the tracking in these scenarios would be extremely high, the likelihood of their necessity is incredibly low. Especially given that the caretakers have already been extended enough trust to leave such a precious asset in their unmonitored care, so it may stand to reason that they can be entrusted to react and take care correctly in these cases.

I think the cost to benefit radio is a little off. I totally see the value, I just wonder if it isn't too much effort/expense.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I suppose we've reached a "agree to disagree and don't talk about it as a result" status, which I'm willing to accept, sorta choosing which hill I wanna die on, ya know?

It's just that I wish there was more support, whereas I feel instead that there's ridicule or disrespect because her standpoint comes across more as "I'm right and you are wrong so I think less of you for it."

But, focusing on the privacy topic rather than relationship advice, I really just wish there were a way for me to present her with a case that allowed her to validate my arguments and respect them, even if she doesn't agree. I think that's just asking too much because there isn't a single justification I've ever put forth with which she could understand my opinion.

No privacy supporting suggestion works with her because she simply doesn't value it. I guess I could be projecting expectations, but I think I'm valid in wanting my views respected, even if they aren't conceded.

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