[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

It's the angle. Can you hold your weight with your arms straight out to the sides? Sure, you can do push-ups, but can you do this?

or this?

Most people can't.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

That's not how I meant it.

There's a cultural value in virginity in girls. It's pretty common across cultures: for marriage, virgin women are more desirable than non-virgins. It's biased; the virginity only increases value for girls, and it probably stems from men wanting to be sure than any prodigy are actually theirs. Women can be nearly 100% sure a kid they have is theirs (not quite 100%, as there's a brief period when a channeling swap could conceivably be made), but the men can never be certain. The best odds you have is to get yourself a virgin. So female virginity has been valued through history (by men), and I think this is where the fetish of having sex with virgins comes from.

That's what I'm taking about. I've never understood the appeal of "being a girl's/boy's first."

[-] [email protected] 39 points 1 day ago

I have never, ever, understood the appeal of virginity. Who prefers someone who is uncomfortable, awkward, and doesn't have any experience?

This has always baffled me. This is one reason why I think sex workers should hold a high status in society: they provide an valuable service in training the uninitiated and unskilled. It's like taking tennis lessons, and all your future partners should be grateful for their lessons.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago

Man I hope there's a brace across his back, because a human's arms are not strong enough to overcome that much resistance.

But it there were a sturdy brace, that looks like almost enough resistance to keep him from dying, if he can keep from tumbling. Which he probably can't.

Yeah, that guy's best outcome is a lot of broken bones.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

Ah, but I agree with you! It's commendable that we care for our weak who would otherwise die.

The other wolf, though, thinks there's a good chance the stupid are going to drive us to extinction.

Thanks for not taking offense when you legitimately could have. Reason 1 why Lemmy > Reddit.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago

"Where will you hucka-pucka to?"

[-] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago

Maybe? Natural selection seems to work for the rest of everything in nature. But humans are special, aren't we? Above nature; different rules apply to us, nature itself treats us differently.

I do agree that humans are fundamentally different in that more of our individual value is learned than inherited. OTOH, more of our value is learned than inherited, and that's where the problem lies. It's not there genes, it's the parents and the parenting. I'm not suggesting we'll improve humanity by removing stupidity through evolution; I'm saying there are a lot of people who I don't believe are fit to raise children. And there's a corpus of examples that could support that argument; how about that guy who literally shook his infant to death last week? Good father, him?

I'm not a parent myself, and I will never be one. Maybe I'd make a good father, maybe not. But I'm not breeding, so taking me out doesn't affect the gene pool; I'm not playing in the gene pool.

And, no, I did not misunderstand the point. What I said was that if I could get a guarantee that others would also be removed, I'd volunteer to be in the group.

That was hyperbole, BTW; if I really believed it, I'd go to a Trump rally with a bunch of C4 and ball bearings wrapped around my torso. Even if I were an Einstein, it'd be a net benefit to humanity.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago

Dude. If I could guarantee that my sacrifice would also remove some N>1 number of dumbshits who shouldn't be contributing to the ecological load the Earth's ecosystem is bearing, I'd volunteer.

The Idiocracy intro got a lot of things right.

[-] [email protected] 42 points 6 days ago

She doesn't look too thrilled about getting married to Junkie Joe; it looks more like he's got a gun stuck in her back.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

At first I read "Portland," saw my mistake, shrugged and thought, "either way."

I've never been to Poland. I'm sure it's nicer than Portland.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Few abilities will protect you from muggings as the ability to squirt substances from your ass on demand.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Never saw the plant before relocating to this part of the country, and now it's one of my favorite plants. It's hardy, easy, looks great, grows like the dickens but doesn't spread like a weed. We had some landscaping done and accidentally split a couple of mature plants in moving things around, and now I can't tell which were the split ones, and which survived whole - they all look great!

This year, I'm putting it everywhere. It can have the whole yard as far as I'm concerned.

Great picture!

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I count 7 in mine.

submitted 2 years ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Suuuuper new to Lemmy, so apologies in advamce if this is a particularly stupid question. DDG has been no help.

I'm a member of midwest.social. I'd like to subscribe, and post to, a community (sub?) on another server. I know the other server is federated with midwest.social, because I can see other subs, and I know the sub on the foreign server (in this case, lemmy.ml), which I found with DDG.

So why can't I find the sub in Jerboa? I've searched by name, by name including server, by every combination of reference I can think of. !, #, @.

It's a technical sub, and I can't imagine it's been intentionally blocked. So I'm thinking that maybe Lemmy is whitelist-based? Do admins have to explicitly include subs from other instances? Or is there some magic that I've somehow missed about how to get to a federated sub that maybe nobody has yet accessed on the instance I've joined?

I found an old (1y) discussion about how to make Lemmy more accessible to new users. Someone offhand referenced this topic (accessing federated subs) needing more clarity, but with no explanation. A pointer to a how-to would be handy; maybe answers will help some future user when they find this post through whichever fad search engine privacy wonks are using in a couple of years.

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