[-] [email protected] 10 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Well, seeing that Insurgency: Sandstorm was on a sale, I just picked it up for him (and myself). Seems to have a lot in the map making scene, and that's a really important factor for him.

It also helps that the prior Insurgency game has the most hours on his profile, by far. Gave me a good hint that he should enjoy this one.

Thanks so much!

EDIT: My dad just got back to me, and loves the gift. Apparently that's where most of his online buddies went and still are. Nailed it!

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

As in title, my father is an American nomad, and he just recently got a spot with good internet signal for a few months.

He hasn't really played in years, and the last game he really enjoyed was Warface and Novalogic's Joint Operations: Combined Arms.

There is a bit of a twist though, his vision certainly isn't what it used to be, so whatever game I suggest needs accessibility options galore.

I found a really good "singleplayer only" experience in Ravenfield and the style lends itself very well to my father's limited vision.

Is there something like Ravenfield but with a well supported online component? Perhaps Battlebit: Remastered is pretty close?

EDIT: I suppose the genre is better described a "mil-sim" than "tactical shooter".

UPDATE: Someone recommended the latest Insurgency game. After realizing my father had over 1K hours in the previous Insurgency game I realized that this was the game to get. Turns out it was a good choice! That's where most of my father's online buddies ended up! Thanks all! Feel free to keep recommending things, but we already seem to have a winner!

[-] [email protected] 17 points 3 weeks ago

Well that's pretty compelling!

Ever since the failure of Windows mixed reality, there hasn't been many non-Meta HMD's worth buying. At least with inside out tracking.

Maybe this will finally pressure Valve to lower the price on the venerable Index? Probably not. But one can hope!

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

It's just my client. Boost for Reddit doesn't appear to show it correctly. It's the opposite though. It just shows the text. Spoiling it for me.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

I knew from the thumbnail that this is Virtue by Overwerk. Excellent track!

[-] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

I'm rolling with a Halfling Rogue, it's always the class I try to play first in D&D games and versions. I'm also surprised at the lack of Halflings in the stats!

My wife is playing a Githyanki the only race that's less popular. Lol!

[-] [email protected] 12 points 10 months ago

Forever GM's unite! (But like, once we get the schedule finalized /s)

Yeah, this is probably the best D&D game in existence now. It definitely has some pretty fun mechanics and a lot of depth that other D&D vidya games just lack.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 10 months ago

Lived there for 7 years - I think I got it.

Step one, do not be in downtown, inner SE, inner NE, Gateway, or anywhere near a Max line or bus station after dark. Step two, carry mace and a stun gun. Step three, leave Portland for good and only return if I must << We are here.

We got a lot of hate from certain left leaning folks in Portland for leaving "because of the homeless". It's like, "No, dude, I'm leaving because my wife was assaulted by homeless no less than 3 times (twice physically, once was almost a rape), and that's even when she was "safely on TriMet. You can 'but not ALL homeless' all you want. My wife is traumatized and we want nothing to do with this shithole of a city".

Yeah, after the 3rd one we left, and we can say with certainty that we'll never ever come back to live in PDX.

[-] [email protected] 14 points 10 months ago

Dang it!

I have a business trip to Portland next week and I was looking forward to cooler temperatures than here in Tucson, but alas, it'll only be 5-10 degrees cooler.

Gee thanks climate change!

[-] [email protected] 4 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)


I kinda wish the ALL feed could be a bit more intelligent. Also, sorry for gunking up your feed!

[-] [email protected] 15 points 11 months ago

I'm of the opinion that bots are okay if:

  1. They provide value to the community - A news-bot seems to be well received at tucson.social and it helps people get all their Tucson updates in one place without having to share it themselves.

  2. They assist with moderation. Auto responding to new posts that reminds thread participants of the rules could be one use-case.

  3. They enhance the dialogue of the thread or provide useful and important corrections. Perhaps there's a bot that looks up species names and provides useful links in a reply of a zoological based post? I say that's great and what we want!

As for ChatGPT bots:

  1. All bots must disclose they are a bot.
  2. All bots must not fake engagement. As in, it's okay to be other bots because of their relatively strict use-cases and minimal ability to hallucinate and no ability to respond to further queries. ChatGPT makes it appear as if it's a person at times and can be subtly wrong - we have people that do that just fine.
  3. ChatGPT content should go into their own relevant subs. A MachineLearning community might be good at first, but perhaps eventually a dedicated LLM/ChatGPT Writes type community would eventually be needed for peoples more creative impulses. It's not exactly relevant for someplace like tucson.social, but might be for a place like BeeHaw.
[-] [email protected] 7 points 11 months ago

Similarly FPS-Z games like Tribes (Ascend, Vengeance, 2) and Legions Overdrive.

Fortunately MidAir 2 is almost here. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1231210/Midair_2/

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