
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 28 points 10 months ago (6 children)

Pipewire is much better than Pulseaudio, especially for pro audio work because of its low latency. Another popular option is JACK, which must be used in conjunction with Pulseaudio. Harder to set up, but is also great for pro audio. Some audio engineers were having issues with Pipewire when it first came out so they went back to using JACK, but I think Pipewire has improved. Pipewire has been flawless on my end.

If you're not in pro audio or any kind of multimedia work, it doesn't really matter and you can just stick with whatever comes pre-configured on your distro. But my vote goes to Pipewire as the best server for pretty much anyone.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I've never heard of him suggesting any actual wealth redistribution. I don't follow MSN at all, but I'd imagine by higher taxes they mean slightly more taxes on people making 6 figures. I don't care about people making only 6 figures. I don't believe Bill Gates is out there promoting policies that will relinquish his financial power.

Are you from the US? I think the lack of a leftist political party has skewed what Americans view as left. Not even any of the third parties (with a leader eligible to be president) are left. The democratic party of the USA is most closely aligned with the conservative party of canada, from the policies that I've seen

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago (3 children)

I don't like a lot of the stuff Ubuntu comes with. The thing I liked about OpenSUSE is the advanced options of being able to select exactly what you want to install on there. Debian is also attractive to me because it comes with a more proper minimal install. I like having a higher control over my install, and don't want to have a desktop environment anyway.

Honestly, there wasn't a single piece of software in Ubuntu Studio that I wanted except for Gimp, Carla and maybe Pure Data. I don't even like the preconfigured sound server, since I just use PipeWire instead of Jack. It's easier and faster to install what I do want from a minimal install of Debian than it is to uninstall everything in ubuntu studio. I also didn't like snaps, and any flavour of Ubuntu was just really slow. If you already like most of the stuff it comes with, then hey that's awesome!

[–] [email protected] 6 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (5 children)

I'm wanting to do a full transition to Linux for audio work, but I couldn't get Wwise to work, even with Wine/Bottles. Just will refuse to install. Identical issue on other people's linux systems.

I also started with Ubuntu Studio, but 90% of the stuff it comes with is irrelevant to pro audio, and it was just running super slow. OpenSUSE Leap works like a charm for everything (except Wwise of course). Though Leap might be getting axed and no longer worked on in the future (nothing is certain yet). So I might also try Debian.

Because Wwise wasn't working, I never got around to testing out all my VSTs though. Have you tried using either Wine or Bottles for them?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago (2 children)

To me, it's about removing the ability for a few people to hoard wealth that they'll never use for the sake of power and control. It's about people helping their community to whatever extent is reasonable, so if you make 7 figures a day, either pay a big chunk of that money back to your workers who do most of the heavy lifting, or give it back to the community as a whole, rather than stuffing it in a Swiss bank.

It's about building our city's infrastructure in a more livable and accessible way for the general public, like affordable high speed transit and bike lanes for those who just want to go from A to B without dealing with the headaches of a car if they don't need one.

It's about being against capitalism and the way it gives power to giant corporations, and allows them to create a monopoly, disallowing most innovative small businesses from getting anywhere.

It's about working on the high cost of living inside cities where most people must live in order to cover important jobs, using techniques like buildings made by either the government, where rent equals only the cost of upkeep, with no further outward profit, or buildings built by a private company, where they need to have at least a certain percentages of units have its rent cost only enough to cover upkeep costs.

Liberals are none of these things. They are driven by what makes a profit for corporations and their shareholders. Conservatives are not much different. I believe conservative voters think they're different, but don't realize that in office, conservatives and liberals vote on all the same stuff ghat gives corporations this level of power and growth.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago (4 children)

I do not agree that MSN is left. Maybe it's liberal, but liberal is not left.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 10 months ago (1 children)

So I work in game audio. I have a masters in music composition, and beginner knowledge of coding just to add a few lines of audio-related code to my client's spaghetti code.

What you're asking for is not a simple task, and will certainly need AI or machine learning or something along those lines. You could more easily make something like this if its just a single melody with no other backing tracks (and there's plenty of software that does this), but to understand and distinguish separate instruments, including drums, hear them all as separate voices, and turn them into a whole other medium, is on a whole other stratosphere. If someone's going to make something like this, it's going to be made by a corporation and sold as a $1000 plugin.

But hey, at least it will most certainly be in C++, because that's the language of choice for most audio plugins.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (6 children)

God I wish he promoted socialist policies. But he certainly does not. I do not agree with the statement that "the biggest capitalists in the world are actually socialists".

People on the left are generally anti big tech, anti-google, anti-microsoft, anti-NSA. Anti-government is also not inherently right wing, especially if you look at anarchists instead of tankies. But adding restrictions onto giant corporations (that effectively become more powerful than the government) is more of a leftist opinion.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (8 children)

He's a capitalist and one of the richest people in the world. Nothing about him fits the bill of a leftist. I think you're coming at this with the US's perception of the left, like the democratic party, which wouldn't be considered left almost anywhere else in the world.

Linus Torvalds is a bit more of a leftist, and the whole ideology of Linux is pretty fitting for the left.

[–] [email protected] 52 points 10 months ago (11 children)

That voice was really difficult to listen to. And then talking about how Bill Gates shoves left wing media down our throats and uses msnbc as an example lol