[-] [email protected] 9 points 3 weeks ago

He's not gonna shoot

[-] [email protected] 7 points 3 weeks ago

Gotta say, the opening of Nier Automata is something I tell people how much I hated! It's a great story, but it's bad game design.

It's a mix of cutscenes and gameplay that takes about 40 mins to get through, there's no saving possible at any time, and if you die then you go right back to the beginning.

And I did die, twice. So yeah, that was a slog, and by the third time round I'm not enjoying the storytelling anymore.

If you are actually good and didn't die, I can see why you had a different and more enjoyable experience :)

[-] [email protected] 116 points 1 month ago


When someone carelessly throws their trash on the ground, that says a huge amount about their respect for other people, their feelings about the environment, and even their views on social equality.

It's a tiny thing, but an immediate dealbreaker.

People who throw their trash on the ground are the same people who yell and get mad at minimum-wage staff, while those staff hold back tears. They are the people who take more food at a buffet restaurant than they could ever even eat. They are the people who think the world and everyone in it owes them whatever they want, but without ever giving anything back.

I bet we all know a person whose car looks like a scary biohazard of old drive-through cups they haven't cleaned yet, but I'd much rather date that person than someone who throws it all out the window.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago

What does that advice mean to you, in practical terms? Like with an example?

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)


I'm certain there are very real differences between men and women in this regard, but the methodology feels like it reduces the quality of the data.

It would have been nice if the researchers could have used eye tracking to see where people were actually looking, rather than asking them to click on what drew their attention. There's surely at least some difference between what people are actually doing, versus what they self-report as doing when asked about it.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 9 months ago

Normal manufacturing efficiencies and cost reduction is surely the biggest reason they are cheaper now but it's absolutely a factor.

So many companies in so many industries are trying to move from being product companies (make money selling a thing) to being service companies (make money from subscriptions, user data and other monetisation) and I'm doing my damnedest to keep away from any of it.

[-] [email protected] 37 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Exactly this.

Manufacturers are NOT INTERESTED in selling low-cost dumb TVs when they can sell smart TVs and get long-term returns. They are even willing to sell the TVs at cost because they will monetise later with ads and selling your data.

Manufacturers don't want you to have a dumb TV, they want everyone to go smart - which is part of why business-targetted dumb panels are priced higher - to disincentivise regular end-customers from buying.

[-] [email protected] 135 points 11 months ago

Closed, to keep the monsters out.

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