
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

There's two kinds of crypto scams: Ones that actually involve crypto and ones that don't.

Vague, possibly impossible to implement promises about proposed future functionality are an integral part of the crypto sphere!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Brief history of YAML:

"Oh no! All of these configuration file formats are complicated. I want to make things simpler!"

(Years go by)

"...I have made things more complicated, haven't I?"

YAML is generally good if it's used for what it was originally designed for (relatively short data files, e.g. configuration data). Problem is, people use it for so much more. (My personal favourite pain example: i18n stuff in Ruby on Rails. YAML language files work for small apps, but when the app grows, so does the pain.)

[–] [email protected] 5 points 9 months ago

I use Debian because it runs on everything, and XFCE because it runs on everything and I've never wanted to waste much of the oomph on the GUI anyway. Looks and feels and works well enough, and that's all I care.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 10 months ago

Ah ! TP-Link! Or, as I've always said, Toilet Paper Link.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (3 children)

[edit: sp] Hi! Also a trans girl. (But only high on caffeine, and not drunk because it's end of the month and I'm broke.) Let's get to the question that really, really defines the future.

What are the best and coolest locomotives? (don't need to be the same! and often aren't!) 🚆

[–] [email protected] 146 points 10 months ago (16 children)

iOS user: "DUDE have you seen [new iOS feature]? This is the bee's knees!" [10 minutes of gushing omitted for brevity]
Android user: "...Yeah, we've had that for 15 years."

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago

PC: The laptop has a half a terabyte SSD, and 2 TB USB HDD for Steam games. (Plus a boatload of other storage for other purposes.)

Xbox Series X: 1 TB internal, two additional 1 TB storage cards for X/S games, a 4 TB HDD for Xbox One and Xbox 360 games, and a 2 TB USB HDD for cold storage of X/S games.

Nintendo Switch: I don't remember how big the SD card is, but it's too damn tiny anyways.

I have to say, despite having a bunch of space, I do spend time deleting and redownloading games. Meanwhile, my Xbox 360 has a 1 TB USB2 HDD, and... uh, it comfortably fits all of the digital purchases I ever made.

Funny thing, the other 1 TB card for XSX is taken almost entirely by Microsoft Flight Simulator and Train Sim World 3. And also The Sims 4. All of these simulators eat a buuuunch of space.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

(Extremely drunk)

I don't remember any more.

(Fishes out a SanDisk Extreme SD 128GB card from the box)

Was this the one? I think this was the one.
The one that fucking failed.

...fuck. I had more money than sense a few years ago.

[–] [email protected] 35 points 11 months ago (3 children)

Brave as a whole? Brendan Eich is the next Elon Musk. Not in wealth, mind you, but dude's got the antics, is all I'm saying. (Not a good look. Look just what's going on with Reddit.) Also, a dipshit of EPIC proportions.

Brave Browser? Hell no. The whole marketing point is "oh, it's a web browser, but with ad blocker". ...installing uBlock Origin is a 2 minute job on Firefox and even on Edge. Have literally walked elderly people through the process. (It got even weirder when they talked about replacing ads with approved ones. I don't know if they still do that.)

I do draw the line on the whole BAT nonsense. "Oh, you can use cryptocurrencies to support your fave content creators? Even if they didn't opt in to the program in the first place, and you still make it seem like the donations go to them? And then say 'oh yeah the donations will eventually go to them IF they sign up for the program' oh FUCK YOU you're just deceiving fans aren't you."

[–] [email protected] 5 points 11 months ago

Oh! Ancient-ass Slashdot memes are still alive in new social networks!

I still haven't seen the film, though, so I have no idea what it's like. Heard it was weird though.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 11 months ago (3 children)

Scrivener is still the absolute best word processor for ginormous writing projects. There are FOSS projects that do some parts of it right, but fall far behind in the others. It's particularly frustrating because my usual FOSS approach would be to use other tools that make up for the inadequacies, but Scrivener pretty much nails the "what to include and what to leave out" equation. It's a great combo of a word processor, project management tool and a research/notes tool, all rolled into one.

[–] [email protected] 165 points 11 months ago (6 children)

/serious Well, yes, most APIs are meant for system-to-system interaction, that's kind of a given. But since this particular API is clearly meant for human-to-system interaction, returning a human-readable response is adequate. Yes, a better design would probably allow the client to specify additional parameters about the desired response.

/back-to-jokes Yeah, well this kind of sums up most of my job applications. I send an application and the recruiting people are all like "OK".

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