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[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago (3 children)

Why not both? Far right movements, at least as far back as the transition of the Tories into the conservative party in the early 1800s, have been lead by the interests of the ultra rich. Far right "philosophy" has always been to their service, whether its regressive "economics" of Malthus or the complete fiction of scientific racism. Almost definitionally, there isn't a far right movement without a ruling class that it supports and is supported by; that's what they are trying to "conserve".

Part of this is having a permanent underclass. Or more than one. Just as the "middle class" is under the ruling class, the under class must be beneath them. This is part of the conservative mindset, which again is created and nurtured by the ruling class for this purpose. The difference between garden variety conservatives and fascists, in this regard, is simply that fascists want the elimination of the permanent underclass.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

So, the professor gives you the knowledge to fully leverage it and take it in any direction.

Your friend gives you a single option that might help.

The Indian guy presents a straightforward path to a solution you might not want?

It's not really good to compare the different situations of information sharing, because they have different goals. The professor isn't needlessly complicating it, they are giving you fundamentals to build on.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

In January 1968, a progressive faction was able to gain control of the government in communist Czechoslovakia. They proceeded to liberalize the country. Czech media was allowed to be critical of Soviet-style communism for the first time, and many restrictions on individuals were eased. This was called the "Prague Spring"

Fearing a weakened position in the cold war and a spreading desire for liberal reforms in other countries, the Soviet Union, with the aid of other Warsaw Pact countries, invaded Czechoslovakia in order to install a more friendly regime and bring the country back in line with Soviet policy.

For many western communists and socialists, this was the final nail in the coffin for support of Soviet-style communism. A small minority, however, supported the action. They were labeled as "tankies" because of the imagery of tanks rolling in to Czech cities.

Today, "tanky" is used to label a spectrum of people. At one end are those who have large support for marxist-lenninist/marxist-lenninist-stalinist/marxist-lenninist-maoist Communism (different philosophies of how to accomplish a communist revolution) at one extreme. At another end are people who support the current Russian or Chinese governments because they oppose American imperialism. Most of those people do not really identify as "tankies". The current usage also doesn't really relate to the original, as most people don't have a stance on the Soviet response to the Prague Spring today.

Lemmy.ml is understood to be friendly to marxist-lenninist thought, since the founders subscribe to that philosophy. Thus, users of the instance are often labeled as "tankies".

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Shipping can certainly be made much less impactful, if that's what you are thinking. A lot of shipping is overland trucking, and a lot of overland trucking can be replaced with trains, and a lot of trains can be replaced with electrified trains. That would make quite a bit of difference

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Dark humor is humor generated from your own pain.

Edgy humor is humor generated from the pain of others.

The first one is funny, the second is boring and shitty

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