submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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[-] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago

Best of luck. Burgerlanders tend not to stray outside the Five Eyes corporate media bubble while imagining themselves well-informed.

Three women, loads of lies and the destruction of Libya

Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and Samantha Power were the three principal advocates of war against Libya in 2011, setting the North African nation on a free fall ever since. Demonstrations broke out in some Libyan cities against the government of late Muammar Gaddafi in February 2011, in what became known as the “Arab Spring” that engulfed the region. However, Libya’s promised spring turned into a destructive autumn during which Gaddafi was murdered on 20 October, 2011, and Libya was left anguishing in lawlessness, courtesy of the three women.

Samatha Power currently runs USAID, nominated for the position by Biden. Until recently Susan Rice ran the Domestic Policy Council, also picked by Biden.

this post was submitted on 28 Apr 2024
-219 points (18.4% liked)


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