submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


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[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Sorry for not making paragraphs. I never was good at it.

Neural diseases is how we call them in my mother tongue. Idk what they're called in English. Neuralgia is the closest word I guess. These are not mental disorders nor diseases that affect brain in general. These are things like Tourette syndrome.

Everyone says so but sometimes getting a therapist is impossible or not worth it (like in my case getting a therapist means going to the active war area).

And please just stop paying attention on me. This stupid and perverted world has defeated me already. I'm dead. My physical body (and brain as a part of it) is still alive smh so that's why I can speak but I lost everything and there's no "me" anymore. I'm a bit of a psychologist. I see stuff like this.

I consider everyone (except people who are a part of the most traditional paths of one exact religion but that's besides the point) horrible. Everyone has and does something very wrong that hurts them and others. And the social environment hurts them even more, especially if they try to be different. Just leave me alone and let me die in suffer like all weak, diseased or unadapted organisms in this world. If I'm better, I'll get a reward or at least save my honor. If there's nothing except this world and this is what it changed to, I refuse to adapt and survive. This is just pathetic

EDIT: i feel much better today thanks to isolation and medication. I think now you can clearly see that I'm very unstable

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

I didn't even realize that English isn't your first language; you're extremely proficient in it! Then yeah, the equivalent would be syndromes, since Tourette is one of them. Also, to be fair, I know a guy who has a few, pretty socially odd Tourette-like tics, but he's still successful with his endeavors. They don't spell the end of your world!

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Tics aren't much of a problem (they were in the past though). I just hate the society and modern trends a lot. Hopefully the medication helps because I am actually scared I can attack a person on the street.

And speaking of English, I'm good at some well-polished topics that I talk about a lot and had enough time to learn. I can't do a scientific speech or make a poem (unless I'm in an emergency because then my mind works much better smh)

this post was submitted on 13 May 2024
42 points (100.0% liked)


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