Punch cards ftw (i.imgflip.com)
submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Fun fact I found in a game...

Chip Defense (A tower defense game with a microprocessor theme)


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[-] [email protected] 48 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

One of my grandfathers worked for a telephone company before he passed. That man was an absolute pack rat, he wouldn't throw anything away. So naturally he had boxes and boxes of punch cards in this basement. I guess they were being thrown out when his employer upgraded to machines that didn't need punch cards, so he snagged those to use as note paper. I will say, they were great for taking notes. Nice sturdy card stock, and the perfect dimensions for making a shopping list or the like.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 3 weeks ago

Maybe he was born during the Depression or soon after

[-] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago

My dad converted old assembly programs into Cobol for spending money in uni - his textbooks were full of cast offs.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Makes sense. I'm a librarian and we still use cards from the old card catalog for notes.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

We used unused punchcards to make flashcards in elementary school in the late 80’s / early 90’s. I guess the county bought a bunch and had to find another use.

And now I realize the primary definition of flashcard has changed since then, from study aid to digital storage.

this post was submitted on 08 Jun 2024
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