submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/22813480

Release date: July 29 on Hulu.

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[-] [email protected] 21 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Am I crazy or is this season 8/9? Why is it called 12 here but 9 elsewhere?

EDIT: Apparently every season after 6 has had two halves, so if you count each half separately this is season 11, but otherwise this is the second half of season 8. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Futurama_episodes#Series_overview

So why is it 12? I'm confused.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 3 weeks ago

I think the movies are being counted here for some reason

[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

It's broadcast seasons vs how many purchases ("episode orders") were made. Fox aired 5 but paid for 4 (held back some episodes), then the movies, Comedy Central aired across 4 seasons but made 2 episode orders, and now Hulu split their first order across 2 aired seasons.

Aired: 5 Fox, 1 movies, 4 CC, 2 Hulu -> season 12.

Orders: 4 Fox, 1 movies, 2 CC, 1 Hulu -> Season 8.

(Hulu made a second episode order already, but since that wouldn't start until at least next year I didn't count it. Assuming it's split again, it'll be seasons 13+14 or 9.)

[-] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago

The numbering on the seasons is a bit weird. Going by the dvd numbering, it's season 9, but by streaming numbering, it's season 11

this post was submitted on 08 Jun 2024
183 points (95.5% liked)


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