submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi everyone, I got my e-drum kit to successfully work in reaper, using yabridge for the VSTs. Shortly after, I found another way in which linux audio is different than windows. While using reaper, I am unable to play audio from any other source. Through research, I discovered that it's because I'm using ALSA and that I need to use JACK instead. I looked up guides on how to setup JACK and qctl and was unsuccessful. I came across a video explaining different problems with JACK and it mentioned that using a pcs built in audio card may not be able to handle the audio in JACK. Right now, it seems like I need to come up with a different solution. But I thought I would ask here and see if I have any other options. I don't have any external dacs, but I do have my desktop pc that still has windows so I'm thinking of giving up on using my linux laptop for my music needs.

Tldr- want to use reaper while watching YouTube vids. Alsa won't allow that, and jack isn't working on my laptop.

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[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

I tried this, but when I use JACK in reaper, the audio is all messed up. I'm just gonna give up and find a different solution. Thanks for the help tho

this post was submitted on 13 Jun 2024
24 points (100.0% liked)


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