submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Just switched over my windows 10 gaming rig to PopOS, and have gotten it to work pretty well, with some minor bug squashing.

However, one bit of functionality from Windows that I haven't been able to reproduce is the ability to wake the computer from sleep when I turn on my Bluetooth PS5 controller.

My Bluetooth card is PCI, and I've located the hardware address using "bluetoothctl list" but from there don't really know what to do.

Some topics online have suggested going into the sys/bus/PCI/devices directory and finding a /power/wakeup setting, but I can't figure out which of the "0000:00:whatever's" correlate to my Bluetooth card, if I'm even in the right place at all.

Another thing I'm not sure I understand is pop's sleep settings. It seems to be either monitor off or suspend. I feel like what I want may not be possible from full suspend and there is often an intermediate sleep setting on other OSs?

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thank you.

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[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

but I can't figure out which of the "0000:00:whatever's" correlate to my Bluetooth card

lspci will list your PCI devices and their ID, but if it's a combo WiFi & Bluetooth card, they usually use PCIe for WiFi and USB for Bluetooth.

this post was submitted on 10 Jun 2024
9 points (90.9% liked)


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