submitted 5 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi all . I currently have version 2023.06.25 installed, stable. Tell me how to install the latest version 20240612? I see a lot of changes here https://codeberg.org/libreboot/lbwww/commit/d8bcd5c7044e28c6e20778ea25f6b907092a7e52 If I understand correctly the mechanism for introducing blob objects has changed, how can I check the ROM after I run the command $ ./build roms t440plibremrc_12mb

top 11 comments
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[-] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

I'm not sure what you mean by "checking the ROM"...

[-] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

I’m not sure what you mean by “checking the ROM”…

Hello . I mean, how do I know that there are blob objects embedded in the ROM, without which my laptop won’t turn on, I mean mrc.bin

Previously I could check this using the command:

./cbfstool grub_t440pmrc_12mb_libgfxinit_corebootfb_usqwerty.rom print

[-] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

Oh you can still do that. The path changed to elf/cbfstool/[TREE]/cbfstool (replace [TREE] with the tree concerened). Note that since the switch to the libre RAM init code, mrc.bin is not included anymore

[-] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I installed the updated version 20240612 everything worked as you said. Checking nothing as in the previous instructions does not give anything, as you wrote: after switching to the libre RAM initialization code mrc.bin no longer turns on.

Now i need to edit grub.cfg because I get an error with searching for the achi1 disk

[-] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

$ ./build roms t440plibremrc_12mb

Thanks for your answer and help. I understand you correctly that after I executed the command

$ ./build roms t440plibremrc_12mb

Then I can update my ROM (for example, I now have 2023.06.25) by running the commands:

  1. Boot with kernel parameter iomem=relaxed
  2. Download and install ** flashprog** since flashrom will not work (for me it shows the chip size as 8Mb instead of 12Mb)
$ git clone  https://github.com/SourceArcade/flashprog.git
$ cd flashprog
$ make 
$ sudo make install
  1. Check for errors with the command: $ sudo flashprog -p internal

4 Flash $ sudo flashprog -p internal -w seabios_withgrub_t440plibremrc_12mb_libgfxinit_corebootfb_ukqwerty_grubfirst.rom

And can I be sure that after turning on my computer I will see Grub Libreboot?

[-] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago

Yeah, that's basically right. I believe flashprog is also included in libreboot, have a look in the elf/ directory. After that, it should work as expected

[-] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago

Yeah, that’s basically right. I believe flashprog is also included in libreboot, have a look in the elf/ directory. After that, it should work as expected

Thank you, kind person)) I installed it, but after installation my screen is too bright and this happens every time, so for now I will use the latest test version, it works well.

I have another question, please tell me how, in your opinion, I can edit grub.cgf correctly so as not to get an error with searching for disk "ahci1"

I inserted these lines:


	echo # Insert newline


menuentry 'Load  GNU/Linux-Libre (LTS)' {

	cryptomount -a

	set root='lvm/matrix-rootvol'

	linux /boot/vmlinuz-linux-libre-lts root=/dev/mapper/matrix-rootvol cryptdevice=/dev/sda1:lvm

	initrd /boot/initramfs-linux-libre-lts.img


menuentry 'Load Operating System (incl. fully encrypted disks)  [o]' --hotkey='o' {

and deleted these ones since I don't use raid:

menuentry 'Load Operating System (incl. fully encrypted disks)  [o]' --hotkey='o' {

        if [ "${grub_scan_disk}" != "ata" ]; then

		search_grub ahci


	if [ "${grub_scan_disk}" != "ahci" ]; then

		search_grub ata


        # grub device enumeration is very slow, so checks are hardcoded

        # TODO: add more strings, based on what distros set up when

	# the user select auto-partitioning on those installers

	lvmvol="lvm/matrix-bootvol lvm/matrix-rootvol"

        raidvol="md/0 md/1 md/2 md/3 md/4 md/5 md/6 md/7 md/8 md/9"

        # in practise, doing multiple redundant checks is perfectly fast and

	# TODO: optimize grub itself, and use */? here for everything

        for vol in ${lvmvol} ${raidvol} ; do

		try_user_config "${vol}"


        unset ahcidev

	unset atadev

	for i in 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0; do

		for part in 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1; do

			if [ "${grub_scan_disk}" != "ata" ]; then

				ahcidev="(ahci${i},${part}) ${ahcidev}"


			if [ "${grub_scan_disk}" != "ahci" ]; then

				atadev="(ata${i},${part}) ${atadev}"




        set pager=0

	echo -n "Attempting to unlock encrypted volumes"

	for dev in ${ahcidev} ${atadev} ${lvmvol} ${raidvol}; do

		if cryptomount "${dev}" ; then break ; fi


	set pager=1


        # after cryptomount, lvm volumes might be available

	for vol in ${lvmvol}; do

		try_user_config "${vol}"


        search_grub crypto

        if [ "${grub_scan_disk}" != "ata" ]; then

		# Last resort, if all else fails

		set root=ahci0,1

		for p in / /boot/; do

			if [ -f "${p}vmlinuz" ]; then

				linux ${p}vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 rw

				if [ -f "${p}initrd.img" ]; then

					initrd ${p}initrd.img





        if [ "${grub_scan_disk}" != "ahci" ]; then

		# Last resort (for setups that use IDE instead of SATA)

		set root=ata0,1

		for p in / /boot/; do

			if [ -f "${p}vmlinuz" ]; then

				linux ${p}vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 rw

				if [ -f "${p}initrd.img" ]; then

					initrd ${p}initrd.img





        true # Prevent pager requiring to accept each line instead of whole screen

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

Hmm, I'm not sure... I must admit, I only use SeaBIOS, not GRUB, so I wouldn't know how to configure it

[-] [email protected] -1 points 5 days ago

How to install Libreboot in 2024?

That’s an oddly specific question. When else but now? Did you arrive by time machine?

[-] [email protected] 8 points 5 days ago

That’s an oddly specific question. When else but now? Did you arrive by time machine?

Yes, I was looking for you and I want to take you to my planet called GnuBoot, will you come with me? ))

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago
this post was submitted on 22 Jun 2024
31 points (94.3% liked)


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