
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Real Life^TM^ is a Role-Playing Multiplayer Game with the best graphics resolution in the Industry.

Sadly, it suffers from severe game play balance problems, most notably that most of game play time is spent in boring tasks which should've been simplified into just the core gameplay element for a better gaming experience, plus it's heavy reliance on grinding, to the point that most players literally have to spend at least 8h per day in the game grinding merelly to not lose the game.

And don't get me started on it's Pay To Play elements.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

To add to both your posts, a pretty good general rule is: don't confuse famous with knowledgeable.

The only knowledge they've proven is of "how to become known in a specific domain", which at least in social media is mainly about self-promotion (and more generally it's about grifter skills) rather than specific domain knowledge.

So yeah, the likes of Andrew Tate will do it by looking confident whilst telling tons of bullshit and plenty of female influencers will do it by looking good and showing some skin - they're good at self-promotion online but that doesn't mean they know shit about anything else.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

It would be especially appropriate for a horse funeral were the animal was used to bring contraband over the Sierra Morena or was called Cielito Lindo

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Not really in a bolt tightenning domain, but I have done technical interviews for a lot of devs including junior ones, and them asking all those questions about the task is something I would consider a very good thing.

At least in my domain the first step of doing a good job is figuring out exactly what needs to be done and in what conditions, so somebody who claims to have some experience who when faced with a somewhat open ended question like this just jumps into the How without first trying to figure out the details of the What is actually a bad sign (or they might just be nervous, so this by itself is not an absolute pass or fail thing).

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Well, the language is generally different, which is a big barrier to moving (though you can get away with just English in a most countries, but some stuff - often public services - is only in the local language). There is also a cultural element in that people behave and expect slightly different things in different countries, which can be a bit of an adjustment.

Even bigger than that is that most people aren't comfortable with big changes and tend to stick to their own country - at the very least the first big move takes a significant amount of courage.

Then if you have your own house with lots of stuff you have to arrange for the move, which will probably cost you maybe €1500 - €3000 depending on the distance and how much stuff you have.

And finally, in my experience no country is all good or all shit - they generally have some good things and some bad things. Also, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence until you move there, were after a while it's the grass on the other side of the fence that starts looking greener.

That said, some people - mainly the so-called Digital Nomads - do spend their life moving from country to country whilst working remotelly, which works especially well if you spend different Seasons in different places in Europe (some places are much better in the Summer and others in Winter). This is not new: I've met people whose life was working as Scuba Diver instructors in Summer in a country and as Ski Instructors in Winter in a different country.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

EU countries are allowed to, by Treaty, expel EU citizens who moved there without the means to live there or a job.

However it's incredibly rare and there really isn't any general procedure to do it: each country does it (or not) it's own way. This tends to be used for people caught sleeping or begging on the streets.

Further, for countries in the Schengen Area, they don't even know you're there unless you register, since you haven't passed any border controls and thus aren't in any database as having arrived but not departed.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

I've literally done that inside the EU, though to the UK (back before Brexit) rather than Germany - I flew to London and stayed about a month in a hotel whilst looking for a contract there (I'm a freelancer) and more permanent accommodation.

Years later I did the same to Germany, though I only stayed 3 months.

The only requirement is that you either have a job or have the money to pay for the costs of living there (so you can still go without a job, as long as you have the money to pay for a place to stay, food and so on). The reason for the requirement that you can pay your way (either from a job or savings) is because people can't just move to another EU country to do things like living on the street and begging or living of the local Social Security.

Some countries also have a requirement that you register after 3 months there (for example, Germany), though it's not any kind of applying to stay, it's simply registering as living there. This is usually because there are associated obligations for residents in that country, not just in terms were do you pay tax, but in some countries (for example, Germany and The Netherlands) there are things like mandatory health insurance.

In practice as an EU citizen, if you have the savings or the kind of job which you can do in 3 month stints or remotely, you absolutely can hop from country to country every 3 months without having to register with anybody (though I'm not sure how taxes would work - I suppose you would pay them in the last country you registered as a Resident).

If you know the language, if it weren't for taxes being per country and the rights and duties of Residents being different in different countries (such as the Mandatory Health Insurance for Residents in some countries but not others) hence the requirement to register after 3 months in some countries, the whole thing would be as easy as moving within your own country.

[–] [email protected] 36 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Also that newspaper is called "The Fatherland".

It's a pretty good hint of where they stand in the whole Left-Right political spectrum.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

The difference between a sociopath and a murdering sociopath is the belief that they will lose nothing and even stand to gain from murder.

Absolutelly, evil people are to blame from doing evil shit because they chose to do it.

Other people who protect and support the evil people when they do the evil shit are also to blame because without their support and protection the evil people are a lot less likely to do the evil shit fearing the repercussions.

In this specific instance, given that the US has been vetoing UN Security Council resolutions to stop Israel and is by far much more powerful than Israel in the World stage, the theory that they're the "main obstacle to peace in Palestine" makes sense, or in other words, that the murdering sociopath would have to stop murdering due to fear of the consequences if the US stopped supporting it.

Whilst it seems likely that it is, whether the US really is the "main obstable" or not is something that we would only know for sure after the US stopped supporting Israel.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Generally no, probably because many males when they end up in physicality make it some kind of dominance thing (playfully violence that's just a little too much, "higher position" touches like hand on top of shoulder or physically leading other people and even the good old "measuring somebody one the firmeness of their handshake"). It's not casual and friendly when there's measuring and testing of others involved.

Outside close family, the only environment I've been in were things like hugs were normal was the Theatre world.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Almost 30 years into my career as a software engineer, I'm now making a computer game that takes place in Space and were planets and comets follow Orbital Mechanics, so I'm using stuff I learned at Uni all those years ago in Degree-level Physics, since I went to university to study Physics (though later changed to an EE degree and ended up going to work as a software developer after graduating because that's what I really liked to do).

I've also had opportunity to use stuff I learned in the EE degree for software engineering, the most interesting of which was using my knowledge of microprocessor design during the time I was designing high performance distributed systems for Investment Banks.

(I've also used that EE knowledge in making Embedded Systems - because I can do both the hardware and the software sides - though that was just for fun)

Also, pretty much through my career, I would often end up using University-level Mathematics, for example in banking it tended to be stuff like statistics, derivatives and integrals (including numerical approach methods) whilst game-making is heavy on trigonometry, vectors and matrices.

So even though I never formally learned Software Engineering at University, the stuff from the actual STEM degrees I attended (the one were I started - Physics - and the one I ended up graduating in - Electronics Engineering) were actually useful in it, sometimes in surprising ways.

At the very least just the Maths will be the difference between being pretty mediocre or actually knowing what you're doing in more advanced domains that are heavy users of Technology: I would've been pretty lost at making software systems for the business of Equity Derivatives Trading if I didn't know Statistics, Derivatives, Integrals and Numerical Approach Methods and ditto when making GPU shaders for 3D games if I didn't know Trigonometry, Vectors and Matrices.

And this is without going into just understanding stuff I hear about but are currently not using, such as Neural Networks which are used in things like ChatGPT, and Statistics are invaluable in punching through most of the "common sense" bullshit spouted by politicians and other people played to deceive the general public.

Absolutely, you can be a coder, even a good one, without degree level education, but for the more advanced stuff you'll need at least the degree level Maths even if a lot of the rest of your degree will likely be far less useful or useless.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

I never said it was excellence, I said it was being a good salesman: never stated that I think salesmanship is some kind of great human quality, or that it is at all a quality or even that it has any kind of moral value positive or negative.

It was never a value statement about salesmanship as a human practice, it was simply an observation about how in my opinion human intelligence relates to proeficiency in that practice.

I think you unwittingly used the context of Society around you and what it tells you are great qualities, to fill the gaps in what I wrote and hence drew moral conclusions from it rather than from my statements which did not at all include a moral judgment.

Further, the possibility that I somehow "leaked" my opinion on it from a moral standpoint is inconsistent with how, personally, I don't even have a positive opinion about salesmanship in moral terms, though I recognize the rewards it can bring in present day society to be good at it and appreciate a good salesman with the same kind moral-detached respect for expertise as I would appreciate a good conman or a good thief - whether one agrees or disagrees with that kind of job, one cannot but appreciate the smooth elegance of mastery in a complex domain. I can hardly "leak" a positive moral opinion when my opinion on that practice is neutral or slightly below neutral.

(Also, I couldn't care less about what present day Society tells us are great human qualities, except perhaps that, having to live in it, I have to navigate that crap just like everybody else).

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