joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 10 months ago

it is on gamepass

I'll just delete the large anti-preorder manifesto I was typing lol. Not that it doesn't remain, just not for this game for me in particular.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

I play a LOT of ESO; I have three nights a week that I group with others to do PvP in Cyrodiil. Beyond that, I help out with a large trials Discord that runs ~3-5 trials a week, depending on schedules. I can sign up for those as needed.

Even with only doing PvP 3 nights a week, we generally only run ~2-3 hours, and there are enough people that if someone misses, it isn't a big deal, and a sub can usually be pulled into the role. If not? We just deal with it. People have lives, they're gonna miss. I routinely take breaks from the scheduled stuff, because I don't like having things planned out. With football and basketball season coming up, I'll likely step away for a bit to do other things I like.

ESO is nice, in that once you're at level cap, you're done doing that grind. New sets aren't too hard to get once you get sorted, and non-meta builds are viable through most end-game content. Being in the large trials discords makes it really easy to slot in when I want. Additionally, the Discords themselves makes it easy to stay connected without the commitment of the game required.

As for friends that don't play, anytime I'm playing Rocket League or CoD or whatever other games, I'll send something in the group chat to see if others wanna join. Most the time I don't get any takers, but putting the invite out there is enough. It's hard to stay connected through the years, an invite at least let's friends know you are thinking of them in the moment.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Was going to be BG3 on PS5 until I had the horrible realization it isn't out until September.

So I guess it's still ESO with some Rocket League mashed in sometimes. I did finally clear vCR+3 on Saturday. Only hardmodes I'm missing now is Dreadsail, Rock Grove, and the new one, Sanity's Edge, but that's more just cause I haven't tried much.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

Cause 343 is a bad studio. Lmao

Both things are true tho.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 11 months ago

Democratic-> sovereign isn't a backpedal; it's describing two different things. You wouldn't say that me describing some apples as green, and then saying there are 3 of them is somehow a reduction in the amount of green the apples are simple because I didn't call them green again.

Sovereign describes the authority to do things on a territory. Ukraine is sovereign; they aren't a territory of Russia, Ukraine answers to Ukraine on its own political matters. That does nothing to describe or rule-out democracy.

If I say "Ukraine is a democracy, who in 2019 held an election described as fair and free by international observers, in which the citizens elected a president of their own volition", would you realize that me describing Ukraine as sovereign in no way, shape, or form, describes it's elective process?

Cause if I need to, I will.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (2 children)

Sovereign as is the highest authority in the territory. The US is a sovereign nation. European countries are sovereign. In fact, most of the countries on the planet can be described as sovereign nations...

"Sovereign" does nothing to describe the type of governance the country has? Or do you have some wild insight about how sovereign actually means it's an installed dictatorship?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago

Still Elder Scrolls Online. Tried to pug the new hard mode last night in an old instance, wouldn't recommend. Did ball group stuff in Cyro Friday night.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago (4 children)

So Putin, who is openly saying that the offensive isn't going as planned, is OK sending tens of thousands of soldiers into the grinder agaisnt better equipment, just to go through surplus? He's choosing to have thousands of Russians killed while sitting on equipment that could keep them safe?

What a guy. Noble cause he's after, de-nazi-fying a sovereign nation, while also getting his citizens massacred in tank columns and shoddy equipment while he keeps the good stuff at home.

Unless that isn't what he's doing? But you did just say they were using old stuff on purpose. You wouldn't be wrong, would you?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 11 months ago (6 children)

Lmao so what would you describe the massive losses Russia has taken in terms of lives, machinery, and munitions, as well as the open revolt Wagner engaged in? If Ukraine is losing fingers, teeth, and hearing, I imagine Russia has full on lost a limb and has bleeding to stabilize.

That rebellion was probably part of Put-daddy's plan tho, right?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Has he said he's making an app for it?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago

Artemis was supposed to be coming this week, no word yet.

You also have to use it from the instance, but that's temporary until the kbin api is finished.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 11 months ago

As previous student who was in school when cell phones blew up in usage, I wasn't not preoccupied by my phone because I had to keep it hidden. I was preoccupied with keeping it hidden so I could keep using it. Texting with T9 without looking was a breeze. The only thing that slowed my usage was the fact I only had like 500 texts a month allotted to me.

Making the kids hide it won't make them less distracted. They just become distracted by hiding the phone. I feel like you'd almost have to just ban phones entirely, which today is pretty impractical.

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