
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

would that principle still apply in the scenario of a window and wall being in the equation? I would imagine if that were true than more efficiency could be produced with a smaller fan inside ductwork vs a large unit which covers the entire cylinder size.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

I've been watching Majority Report with Sam Seder. Watched Breaking points since they were on the Rising with The Hill. Something just started to slowly change with them when they broke off. There's the constant Ad's (which is understandable, but was excessive), segments hidden behind a paywall, personalities started to change after surgery then Kyle Kulinski got heavily into the mix including romantically. I don't know, just seemed the show started to take over the lives of the hosts, Sam and Emma have been a breathe of fresh air on Majority (even when Emma drinks a little too much lol). The show is their job and Sam is pretty professional, decent daily live show with clips of segments also being uploaded.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 days ago

Article about the performance of Biden and the Democrats response

But But it's unfair because they didn't talk about Trump! This is exactly why we are in this mess to begin with.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 6 days ago (4 children)

something doesn''t feel right....

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Is there any valid reason why they would do this, like it’s demonstrably safer? Or is this a battle I can pick to shield myself a little from MS?

Thanks for the input?

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago

For me, it's any community of Tradespeople. I can find relevant manufacturer and adjacent code regulations for modern equipment or building techniques anywhere online. The problem comes from obscure-ancient technology that was discontinued 60+ years ago, the only references to those are on Reddit and very specific forums.

I recently ran into an electrical panel that was built in the 60's and was promptly made illegal (split bus residential panel, no singular main disconnect switch). Even being trained and educated as an Electrical Engineer, it only gave me the ability to understand what the panel was doing, not the history and use cases of the past (since their use in residential applications is obsolete). I was able to find discussions between inspectors and electricians, how things played out with local authorities, and the on going debate of their practicality by actual professors discussing regulations and safety. I will miss these resources if they become unavailable at a future date (the whole enshitification process).

That being said, places with higher than average traffic (like reddit now) tend to give a lot of crappy answers. Lot's of diy'ers thinking their way is best (whether it's code compliant or not), and others who don't care about discussion and only want to say you're doing it wrong because it's not how they would do it (and nets them the highest profit margin on a job). There's lots of owners out there that are probably afraid to ask a question now adays because of the responses (same linux community effect), even though the information around it could be important.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

random word associations with a theme lol. There's a lot of cross ties between breastmilk and gaming/freedom/raging fascists etc. If I had a nickel...well it would be just a few of them but still weird that it happens.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Your response is a symptom of a much larger problem you have, misinformation and fear. You've presented a weird MSM scenario where everyone is a druggy. You've been disconnected from reality and have lost your way from being "stoic".

“We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more from imagination than from reality.” – Seneca

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Some people don't clean their ass after they shit, should we not make toilet paper or bidet's available for the rest of us?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Needs more breast milk.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I can't see the message they replied to because the creator deleted it but I'm not getting what you're saying and people are upvoting you so there must be something I'm missing. Are you guys buying pc parts with pre-installed OS on them? If it's used than you're using the original OS you received the part with?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I was just worried someone might take it to heart without realizing the nuance lol. You or I may do well, but someone asking such a broad question like finding a partner probably doesn't have that much social awareness (it's been answered so many times and really all boils down to the individuals or specific situations like the scenarios we presented). I was just imagining a guy walking around in cargo shorts with socks and sandals awkwardly screaming "hi" at everyone with a pair of orange earplugs sticking out.


I've officially concluded I'm at a loss for how to determine if a product is worth it's cost anymore.

  • Brand loyalty with local retailers is non-existent anymore, big box stores etc all seem to be switching manufacturers and I can't buy the same products that were offered before

  • Online reviews are no longer reliable. On site, it's paid reviews by "special" users who are given perks to review. Off site it's paid affiliation links, all of which scream "conflict of interest" to an actual honest review.

  • Ratings are no longer functional. I can view 20+ products and all 1 star reviews or even 5 star reviews just look like copy/paste from competitors or their own employees. Every product has the same reviews now.

  • Quality Control is gone. It's all being mass produced with no oversight, it's a hit or miss type of ordering now. What's perfect for one person, another person will get defective products repeatedly (even auto parts, store brand tools do the same thing)

  • Return windows are a joke, or you pay extra so you can return something defective after 30 days. This doesn't always mean the product is less defective, but if it does then they've just hidden their full product cost in extra "charges".

  • Less often, companies quality tank when switching manufacturers or lowering production costs. I have no clue how to officially keep up with this unless it's random friends/co-workers or a forum post I stumble onto.

So, besides paying 10x-20x more for a high priced company to hold my hand and apologize for every mistake they make (and they sometimes still ship defective products), what are some effective methods you've used to purchase a decent product that will perform for the entirety of it's intended lifetime?

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