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[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago


[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 months ago (14 children)

It does for me. It's a portmanteau of voxel and libre wit the last l of the first word and first l of the 2nd word shared. If you don't pause at the caps and just roll straight through. It rolls just fine and is rather clever.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Capitalism does not work reasonably well most the time. Unchecked it leads to countless busts and Booms that leave the average person destitute. You really should look into the history of the early 20th century. The only reason we even still have capitalism. Is because of two massive world wars. Slaughtering and grinding up many tens of millions of people. As well as passage of basic Social Security nets. We've largely at least abandoned the spirit of. If if not in practice as well.

Capitalism has been a failure at every level. Constantly. That isn't a justification or Praise of leninism. There's a lot of other ideologies on the Socialist side Beyond leninism. And they don't require large National level government. Look into them sometime.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago (4 children)

Not everyone on my side of the political Spectrum thinks the same way. But if you are pro capitalist. You simply aren't thinking. Capital, markets, and currency. All existed before capitalism. The only thing capitalism did was justify the wealth and power of the wealthy and Powerful Beyond being simply born to wealthy powerful people. Now you get to be a wealthy powerful person by having capital. Which ironically just so happens to be most common among people born too powerful people. New boss same as the old boss. Funny how that works.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 9 months ago

If you just happen to be luckily a member of an ingroup. Chances are you will have minimal issue. But that doesn't mean people don't. Your personal experience is yours and yours alone. And not shared by everyone.

There is no nebulous definition of bourgeoisie. If you labor, you're proletariat. Even if you're sympathies mistakenly lay with the bourgeoisie. If you live off wealth, and use it to amass more wealth. Bourgeoisie. Owners of many, or large company's and middle management. Bourgeoisie. Landlords/slumlords bourgeoisie. Career politicians? Bourgeoisie. Stock traders etc? Bourgeoisie.

There is more than one type of communist. So your generalization is well, ...highly ignorant. However, when it comes to leninists. I strongly agree. Those are the ones you're referring to. Anarcho-communists have a hard enough time organizing together let alone finding the desire to go after bourgeoisie. They want to be mostly left alone. Authoritarians of any stripe are the problem. Not communists.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 9 months ago (2 children)

No. Definitely not as long as he will help to work to make a more just and amicable Society. However if he or others try to violently oppress or push everyone down. All bets are off. One of the things these wealthy people need to remember is that we far outnumber them. And their money only isolates and protects them as long as we are marginally content. Should we ever get focused enough to the point to come for them. They stand no chance. So it's in their interest to work with us. I don't care if they have a slightly better life than average. So long as people aren't homeless and Starving in the streets.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 9 months ago (4 children)

Whether or not notch directly hurt anyone himself. (He is now) The money he was paid was blood Money derived from persecuting destroying and monopolizing the market on Microsoft's part.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Pre pandemic I would have recommended people get something like a Raspberry Pi to explore learn and experiment on. Even if you aren't into all the electronics possibilities the gpio on them allows. They are awesome compact little systems. But right now they're so costly and hard to find. These ancient x86 Business Systems are a more cost-effective platform for just having a learning system. Which is fairly nice. That way you're not tying up one or the other. But can use both at once.

Though I actually am trying to hold off at the moment from getting one of those new Lichee pi 4a systems to toy around with riscv. They seem pretty polished already. But I'm not quite that technical and would rather wait around for a bit more polish on the software side lol. That and a host board with m.2 nvme support.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 10 months ago (4 children)

While there's nothing wrong with VMs or USB live systems. I'd like to put forward the suggestion of hopping on eBay and picking up a piece of old business e-waste. If you really want to dive in with security and safety. It's about the best way. A 4th generation i7 Business Systems has been going on there for anywhere from 50 to $80.

Especially since if you are techie enough to have the itch to actually dive in on your own. Should you decide to keep exploring with it. You will eventually want a small Homeland set up of some sort most likely. At which point you can convert that system into your server for your main system.

I have a number of systems amassed over the last 30 40 years. And ironically despite having much newer rizen systems that I use for a bit of gaming here and there. One of the systems that I use the most is an old 4th generation i7. I have it near the bed so I can sit on it at night puttering around reading, light gaming or a little coding if the mood hits. Loaded up with endeavor os. I have a few other systems around with debian and fedora. One of them being a server. With home shares on NFS. Which makes things really nice because if anything happens to my user systems I just wiped reinstall toss on a couple configs and I'm back to where I was

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

This. There's a reason I don't run gnome. It's not because I don't like it overall. It's fine. Though as others have said it needs extensions. But simply because with every major version every extension breaks. It's slight hyperbole, but only just. Fucking maddening.

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