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[–] [email protected] 15 points 10 months ago (14 children)

People like you: I don't care about history, we're different today and you should let us do what we want.

China: go fuck yourself.

And yet people like you are shocked that's what China tells you. China's been here for thousands of years, for China 200 years is recent history. It's cute that your people were starving though, hopefully that happens to you.

[–] [email protected] 40 points 10 months ago (2 children)

China allows for civil unions for LGBTQ.

Is China perfect, of course not. But China made civil unions legal across the nation before USA made gay marriage legal in every state.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

A bigger question is whether or not this is necessary to be a super power. There has never been a super power that did not do this. We can argue good or bad till we are blue in the face, but if it's a necessity, then it's going to happen. Even if the necessity is just to become a global dominant power.

An easier example to understand is selling military equipment that will absolutely be used in genocides. You can't be a super power if you don't sell advanced military equipment. Inevitably, some of those you sell to will be using it to murder journalists for reporting about the line.

So, yeah selling them those weapons is bad. But if you don't do it, someone else will. That someone else will gain inordinate amounts of power making sure your country will never be in power. So we sell, we sell it as we watch Palestinians burn.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 10 months ago

Ah classic, your all for rule of law until there's an actor you don't like following rule of law. Suddenly the law should change just for them. Hypocrite.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Ten Chinese air force aircraft entered Taiwan’s air defence zone . . . Of those aircraft, the ministry said 10 had either crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait, which previously served as an unofficial barrier between the two sides, or entered the southwestern part of Taiwan’s air defence identification zone, or ADIZ.

This is what the original post quoted. Flying over international air space is NOT news worthy. Unless China does it, suddenly it's news. And yes, in case you don't understand, the median line IS international air space. In fact, that's USA's whole point of freedom of navigation is that anyone can fly or sail over that median line.

So if your argument that countries shouldn't freely fly or sail over the Taiwan Strait, you agree with China, NOT Taiwan.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 10 months ago (4 children)

That's exactly what type of traffic these articles are alerting. Which is why there's no need to even pay attention to it.

Also Thailand has had Chinese military visit it's country as well as trained with Chinese soldiers. If you know so little, why comment?

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