[-] [email protected] 34 points 9 months ago

Random story on bows:

One of the first DnD experiences I had I was told not to worry about counting arrows. We had an encounter down a long corridor where I had a particularly advantageous spot I could use my bow at. I got some great rolls, got sneak attack bonuses, and ultimately carried the entire encounter.

The party was happy, the DM was not. Next session, I had to count arrows, none of them could be recoverable as they 'always broke', the DM ruled they no longer got a sneak attack bonus, and every merchant in town was always 'fresh out' so I could never restock.

This was years ago and I still have never made another character with a bow.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 10 months ago

A little disappointed - I wish there was a bit more variety in the communities. There are some smaller ones but there are very few people there, so it's not much of a conversation.

The only other complaint I would have is seeing an article and then 3-4 communities in each of the big 3-4 instances all talk about the same thing. So you'll be scrolling and see over a dozen conversations about Linus, which is a little annoying.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 10 months ago

I had a player who pitched a backstory like this.

We changed it so on their last big job, it went sideways and they barely survived. Now they're recovering and slowly getting back on their feet, which is why they're level 1.

The player likes it because they can have a cool backstory.

As a DM, I like it because I tied their reputation and fame to the campaign.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 11 months ago

I wish my players would remember to use their cool magic items.

If it doesn't do direct damage, it gets stuffed into a pocket and is never seen again.


joined 1 year ago