
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Sure... they turn up coal power to result in the lowest coal use ever.

Just like they shut down reactors that produced laughable 2,6% of all electricity that year, yet those reactors (ones that were replaced by renewables even) could have single-handedly reduced their emissions by massive amounts.

Just like they never actually used more than a few percent of gas in electricity production (because they only use gas as short-time peak burners to compensate supply/demand spikes and that's really expensive even when gas was cheap) but somehow were so completely dependent on gas to not sit in the dark that they started to burn even more coal... again while actually massively reducing coal.

I don't know if it's magic or advanced quantum mechanics allowing them to do the polar opposite of the popular narratives every single time...

...or you are just brain-washed to believe every lie about Germany again and again. Hmm... No, that sounds unrealistic. It's probalby the magic thing.

[–] [email protected] 34 points 10 months ago

Wow... Where have I read that lie before? Oh, yeah. 20 times in this thread already, because you all get your alternative reality sppon-fed by the same lobbyists.

Actual reality:

The "massive" amount of nuclear shut down

The "coal" that replace nuclear

The actual historic low of coal use

[–] [email protected] 12 points 10 months ago

The targets got missed by construction (some small part) and transport (mainly)... and again like clockwork the brain-washed nuclear brigade storms in lying about electricity production.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (6 children)

You don't realize how incredible funny (or sad.. depending on perpective) it is to see people like you parrot the same lie spoon-fed to you by lobbyists again and again while talking about other being too stupid to think.

This incredible post-factual world where popular narrative trumps reality is truely lost...

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

And if you tell that lie annother million times it will become true.

Really! you just need to nelieve real hard in ti and then reality will adapt and the propaganda hammered into your head will finally become true.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (7 children)

Nothing in general. Well the build times are rediculous in Europe and planning right not to build nuclear soon is too late already for any agreed upon climate goal. But that's another matter...

The problem is the brain-washed nuclear cult on social media briganding everything. In the last year on Reddit you couldn't even post any report about any new opening of wind or solar power without it degenerating into always the same story: "bUt ReNeWaBlEs DoN't WoRk! StOrAgE DoEs'Nt ExIsT! tHeY aRe A sCaM tO bUrN mOrE FoSsIl FuElS! gErMaNy KiLlEd ThEir NuClEaR To BuRn MoRe CoAl BeCaUsE ThEy ArE InSanE!!"

Mentioning the fact that Germany in reality shut down reactors not even contributing 5% of their electricity production that were scheduled for shutdown for 30 years and in a state you would expect with that plan and already more than replaced by renewables got you donwvoted into oblivion every single time.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

And here's the actual topic:

Fucking right-wing media making up the narratives that help bring votes for right-wing extremists, so they can report about the totally surprising rise in polls.

"That said, the primary driver of the AfD’s success is the same issue that has defined far-right parties across Europe for a generation: migration.

A dramatic surge in illegal immigration has accompanied the AfD’s rise, fueling concerns among many in the country that the governing class has completely lost control of Germany’s borders. [...] The rise, first reported by German daily Bild [...]"

So Politico, one publication by German Axel Springer SE known for lying and pushing a right-wing agenda constantly (if they aren't occupied with a smear campaign against the German Greens that is now ongoing 24/7 since summer 2021 when they started fearing their beloved conservatives will lose the government with too many votes going to other parties thus allowing other viable coalitions), is reporting about yet another imaginary immigration problem and their source is another Axel Springer SE publication BILD (and the worst of them on the same trash level of journalism as the british Sun).

PS: And for completion's sake and to show how it's a concerted effort to manipulate people. The same people triggered a week long report chain across all media about the Green crisis in German politics a few weeks ago and how that part of the government coalition is on an all time low (No wonder, with their rediculous politics trying to destroy Germany for some idiological goal *wink wink *) with their voters running away in droves while the AfD in opposition is constantly rising. In reality out of the parties in the government coalition the SPD has lost ~8% (from 25,7%, so about ⅓ of their voters), the FDP has lost ~4,5% (from 11,5%, so ~40% of their voters) and the Greens sit at ~-0,1% compared to the last election (that's far below the precision of the polling methods btw...).

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (3 children)

Pro-Ukraine? Sure, that's probably includes one agenda or another. But that's not what you said there.

As for the insult: Sorry, for that. You instantly understood that you framed self-defense as being pro-war, so I think I need to retract that suggestion of brain damage.

Instead you seem to know perfectly well what you're saying so: Crawl back to you Russian (or Russian-paid) cave, troll. (Also: Not sorry for that, as it isn't even an insult but just stating a fact...)

[–] [email protected] 9 points 10 months ago (11 children)

Trying to frame supporting the right of Ukraine to defend themselves against an illiegal invasion, genocide, torture, rape and all manner of other war crimes as "being pro-war" needs a very special kind of brain damage...

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

No, just insulting a shitty publication for being a shitty publication. But their paying bubble probably loves them for being relentlessly pushing the same same bullshit they love to hear...

[–] [email protected] 6 points 10 months ago (2 children)

But the people understanding desinformation are spending significant amounts of free time on it, while the propagandists are getting paid and the morons just soak up the headlines and go on... so both ignore any actual argument or link to facts someone spend time one anyway.

So, no. There is easy way to deal with this that doesn't involve heavy moderation...

[–] [email protected] 0 points 10 months ago

Yes... when you excuse xenophobia your validate it. So implicitly you said: That's okay, they deserve it.

He did only conclude that they should be held accountable for their government's decisions, because that's the least insane justification for that bullshit.

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