
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (2 children)

Okey dokey, let's talk.

Judging by the yt comments, you're subscribed to a channel that caters heavily to racists, so I don't have high hopes here.

Antagonism level of the cops here: 3/10, I have some notes

Called in backup. Put victim on ground in handcuffs. Tried to search his car without cause. Harmed the victim needlessly.

Antagonism level of the suspect: 12/10,

Literally walked away to avoid conflict.

I get that both the cop and the big dude are basically just scared and reacting poorly out of fear.

Only one of them is armed with a lethal weapon and regularly assaults people. The cop is actively pursuing conflict, whereas the victim is avoiding it.

Two particular things really pissed me off from the cops' side: At the end they can't seem to understand, or don't want to understand, that they're fucking up his shoulders. There's no urgency to standing him back up, and he's understandably upset because he's in a lot of pain, and he seems pretty ready at that point to work with them, if they show him a little calm and empathy or just back off and let the medically qualified hospital staff deal with him.

I see absolutely no reason to give them the benefit of the doubt. It's their job. They regularly have people in a position like that. They were hurting him intentionally.

And, in the beginning, the whole situation was escalated by the initial cop, who clearly seemed scared and unsure and didn't do a perfect job and specifically requested an uncalled-for violent response just because the guy was yelling and being unreasonable ("step it up" basically means "I am in a physical fight right now and may lose, drop everything you're doing and come in guns blazing," it's one of the highest-priority calls you can make and clearly didn't apply to the situation he was in).

What you're saying here is that the first cop was fixing to get someone killed. 3/10 though.

But, that doesn't mean you can just refuse to participate in a traffic stop, wander off somewhere else and keep conducting your personal business, start SCREAMING aggressively at the police in a Walgreen's when they try to talk to you, and have an expectation that it's all on them to make sure it turns out well, otherwise that's unfair. IDK what ultimate outcome he realistically expected from what he did other than getting violently arrested once more cops arrive.

He was afraid. Justifiably so, given that the cop acted in a way that could have gotten him killed. The generous reading here is that you're making excuses for gross incompetence. Why?

And yeah, at that point, they're going to look for whatever they can charge you with and aim to fuck up your life.

Why should we just accept that as a given? That's not their job.

What outcome would you suggest that the cops do in this situation?

You're ignoring the long history of systemic abuse that plays into this. To improve that, it is the party favored by the power imbalance who must go above and beyond.

Do you think the cops in that video acted with excellence?

Actual reasonable approach: follow the man in. Don't keep making demands of him to stop, etc. Just keep up and explain to him that you're going to ticket him for a broken break light, and if he accepts that you'll be on your way. If he refuses, instruct him to get it fixed asap and take down his number plate so you can send the ticket in the mail. Cars usually have several brake lights. One of them being broken really isn't a big deal.

Just leave, or let him leave, or what?

Not the worst outcome, but I know you're horny for some JUSTICE.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 9 months ago

In the sense that it applies to games already released, but not to previous installs. Allegedly. One of the main problems with all of this is that detecting only "valid" installs is a very hard problem, if not impossible. Unity's attitude seems to be that devs just have to trust their numbers.

Additionally, some devs are reporting that they've been offered a pass on all this bs, if they switch to Unity's own ad platform.

[–] [email protected] 40 points 9 months ago (3 children)

Unity changed the license, so developers have to pay a fee for every install of games made with Unity. Notice that it's "install". Not "sale". Not "download".

They claim they won't count installs from demos, cracks, charity bundles, re-installs, etc, but absolutely no one trusts them at this point. Several devs have said they're switching engine, despite the large cost of that.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (4 children)

He seems terrified.

Notice how the cops try to get him to accept a search of his car? That's them hoping they can find something to destroy this man's life. They have absolutely zero reason for the search. The issue is a busted break light. They should just ticket him for that instead of wasting time and resources on their antagonistic bullshit.

[–] [email protected] 38 points 9 months ago (40 children)

I think threats are perfectly fine when CEO's who are completely disconnected from reality destroy your livelihood so they can get a slightly larger bonus next quarter.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 9 months ago

Address the point, coward.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 9 months ago

USA is also responsible. Fucking obviously.

I live in Denmark. We're sending absurd amounts of military aid. The commie party supports this on the basis that Ukrainians have an indisputable right to defend themselves. I agree with that, but there's obviously room for discussing what exactly that implies in terms of support.

All billionaires should go jump off a bridge. Liberal politicians should take a trip to the Titanic, and I have a very nice wall I want to show the billionaire who bankrolled the Danish libertarian party.

I'd be more than happy to have a conversation about the conflict that isn't just parroting neoliberal talking points, but as I said, this is a litmus test. If you can't state unequivocally that Putin, a murderous billionaire, deserves to die, then you're not any kind of socialist I can recognize, and I'll have no further interest in talking with you.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 9 months ago (2 children)

It's a litmus test for whether I want to engage with you at all.

Being able to state unequivocally that a murderous billionaire should drop dead is the absolute bare minimum for a socialist.

I have yet to get a straight answer from so-called socialists on Lemmy.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 9 months ago (4 children)

By deflecting blame from Russia.

Do you agree that Putin should drop dead?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

Russia escalated. More people are dying now.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 10 months ago (11 children)

Except that OP is trying to frame the invasion as justified when the reality is that Putin thought he could bully his neighbors. NATO predictably went "fuck off" and that somehow means bombing Ukrainian children was unavoidable.

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