[-] [email protected] 11 points 2 weeks ago

Pharm tech licensing varies wiiiiidely across the states. Some require natl very, some require basically on job training IIRC.

RPh not so much, but tech also has responsibility not to kill you with a misfill and more eyes are always good for preventing deaths.

The shit wages they pay in relation to being responsible in part for safety and accuracy (in retail) is a big part of why most retail is dangerously understaffed.

Same for insurance agents and real estate agents in many (most?) of US. HS, a couple weeks of “teaching to the test,” and a test is all it takes. Rote memorisation. - lots of those younger folks in insurance couldn’t define what they may/may not say/promise, or who is an “Insured” under a given policy.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 4 weeks ago

sed harbors no demon beasts, in my experience.

On the other hand, by default using sed -i is where the demons come in.

No, sed, NOT in place. Not the first time. Show me what you want to do based on the instructions I gave you, and then we'll talk about letting you play with the real data.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Digging my Mirage. Low-key cheap, simple display that integrates well w/ phone, and 40+ MPG.

Also easy to paddle shift into “oh fuck” mode, which burns more gas but gets me out of some hairy situations when AC is running.

Would prefer a hybrid, but this is the car the numbers worked out on in a sane way. I tried hypermiling in a Prius 1G (99, I think) on both a KY parkway and I24, and it sorta worked but was a huge PITA as well. Context, US 41 thru Evansville, Parkway, 24. Not terrible for the time at all, but a bit stressful here and there.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago

With ya. I smoke an odd brand that’s hard to get, in a state that (rightfully) taxes the shit out of them.

Still costs me an even C-note every two weeks, same as always. Have I cut back, probably. But mostly because I’ve started to face my own bullshit instead of expecting smoking to fix it for me.

I straight up enjoy my Kamel Reds, and while I don’t want to model that to the next generation, I’m the better part of thirty pack-years in.

I can either take the risk, or downright break all the other mental health progress I’ve made. Since I have a wife and some folks I care deeply about in my life, imma go with the mental health.

For unrelated reasons, I once was an unmitigated SOB in any interaction. On the rare chances I’ve been in hospital, I’ve been miserable.

Right or wrong, I prefer to communicate with people rather than attack them, and quitting now would not help that.

RJR can have my money, they won’t get the next genration’s money. We have dispensaries, video gaming, and casinos on every corner in my state. My choice of vice could be far worse, and I’m kind of grateful that I settled on smokes, and not gambling.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Sweatpants, and old t-shirts or polo shirts if there's a video call planned for a given day. I WFH for a company you've heard of, and all the video calls in question are internal.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

I still can't cook, but my wife definitely taught me that I'm allowed to have feelings; And most everything I know about expressing those feelings without being a complete asshole and without going straight from calm to rant-y.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Are you alternating? Or combining?

Watermelon and salt sounds perfectly sane to me because chemistry.

Tortillas, fruit, and chili doesn’t make sense to me, but I’ve appropriated a ton of foods that “just work” to me so…. I get it nonetheless.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

That’s a bullshit question, and distance can help with the stalking.

M here, carefully manipulated by an F abuser, so I understand at least some of it. Not your lived exp of course, but no one is immune.

The only women who should be hit are the women who actively consent to it, and the language surrounding it.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

I met my wife because she actively lied on the internet about a thing that was important, but the die was cast.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

There’s a certain high in that lashing out that’s tough to let go of. I feel you.

I wish that I could explain how I came to handle that stuff better, truth is I haven’t a clue. I just knew I’d come too far to risk losing what I have over anger of all things.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

No shade, that’s cool. IDGAF what you look like once I know you, and that you are in tune with the emotion of the situation.

Paraphrasing a folk singer I respect here, but “I used to cry when needed, I can’t cry for the life of me anymore as an adult.”

Tears communicate that either I’ve fucked up, or there’s something I legit misunderstood, and I need to take a step back.

In some ways, I envy your ability to do that. Professional me doesn’t scree around, personal me rather wishes I could cry it out once in a while.

I’ve spent a lifetime fixing my inclination to escalate at the first sign of conflict, and…. It’s been brutal. I’m thrilled to mostly be gentle these days, but it still requires work.

You never gave into the BS.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

It’s amazing how many companies rely on a crazy amount of FOSS libs, etc.

In the relatively recent past, a boss who I had software PMd for across numerous years had the unmitigated gall to ask me for a list of licenses for “all the software we used.”

I literally laughed in his face, explained open source and the rabbit hole such a question goes down, and he just couldn’t (wouldn’t) get it.

Unfortunately, the biz side of the house doesn’t like “yeah, it’s all legal, but fuck you if you think I’m documenting every piece of code in every library in a ten plus year old code base, allllllll the way down.”

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