[-] [email protected] 18 points 9 months ago

A lot of people think they want no moderation, but they really don't know what they're asking for. Setting aside illegal content, a lack of moderation just leads to deeply unpleasant places to be in. Which means the only people who stick around are the deeply unpleasant people.

And then there's the fact that every single conversation can simply be drowned out by someone posting unfathomable amounts of Shrek pornography in every thread. And what are you going to do? Censor them? Go on... Give in to the temptation to moderate.

[-] [email protected] 70 points 9 months ago

This. To anyone who thinks this is the Republicans being hypocritical: They know. They do not care. They are lying to your face. Pointing out the hypocrisy does literally nothing because they. Do. Not. Care.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

Oh, yes capitalism has optimised my devices. But I think that's often bad thing. Because many of those optimisations weren't for my benefit. In fact a huge number of them are directly detrimental to me.

The tech was an open platform focused on solving problems of the people working on it. And then capitalism "optimised" it by adding advertising and spyware, locking it down, removing the ability to control or repair it, and artificially obseleting it in order to drive further sales. All at the expense of the user, and the environment.

The optimisations also often removed user choice and product differentiation, rather than added them.

This I believe can only happen under capitalism.

I don't think I can imagine a statement more false than this.

Capitalism increasing the availability of choice, only so long as those choices are profitable. If they are not profitable, those choices are actively removed. I used to be able to find multitudes of devices that were user-maintainable, had replaceable batteries and expandable storage. But those choices are not profitable, and so they get removed.

Technology would look different under a different economic system. Likely in some ways worse, but in other ways better.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

Technological development is not uniquely the product of capitalism.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 9 months ago

capitalism isn’t the cause of any bleakness you may be seeing.


Greed and more importantly cronyism in the government is the real issue

Greed and cronyism which is directly incentivised and rewarded under capitalism.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 9 months ago

Both you, and OP, are implicitly arguing that you should be able to both fuck off AND have the benefits of society.

No. I'm not. I'm telling you I'm not. Despite whatever nonsense you are hallucinating, that isn't the argument I'm making.

Society can be structured differently. So resources can be distributed more fairly. So everyone can enjoy more of their time. Instead of a greedy few getting most of the benefit at the expense of the rest of us.

Anyway. Have a nice day.

Bite me, asshole.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 9 months ago

Go be miserable somewhere else

You are using an open source platform, developed without a profit incentive, running on one of the most impactful publicly-funded infrastructure developments of our lifetimes, which is also powered by near countless free-and-open-source tech stacks.

You are on our turf, buddy.

You go somewhere else.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 9 months ago

That is what OP is saying.

No it isn't. That's something you have hallucinated.

They want to know what we’d do if we weren’t forced to sell most of our time.

There's a lot of options between having to spend the majority of our time dedicated to work, and not cooperating at all.

Not to mention most of the work we do isn't for the benefit of our communities, but for the benefit of a tiny handful of already-incredibly rich assholes.

I agree. But again, that’s not what OP is talking about.

That would be convenient for your argument, but actually, you do not get to decide what other people are talking about based on what is most convenient for you to argue against.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 9 months ago

Let me just explain something very simple here.

No. Sod off with your "explanation" you condescending prick.

Literally just doing the thing I mentioned in my last comment, making "the mistake of attributing every advancement of human living conditions to capitalism, all while conveniently omitting all of the horrible conditions capitalism also creates."

[-] [email protected] 5 points 9 months ago

What’s a society that isn’t premised on cooperation?

Are you being deliberately obtuse? Because nowhere has anyone said they oppose cooperation.

Capitalism, communism, and essentially every other form of society are simply differences in how the money is divided up.

Boy howdy that seems like an ENORMOUS difference.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 9 months ago

I just don't make the mistake of attributing every advancement of human living conditions to capitalism, all while conveniently omitting all of the horrible conditions capitalism also creates.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 9 months ago

And I'm genuinely baffled that anyone can still support modern day capitalism, given the state of the world.

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