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[–] [email protected] 11 points 10 months ago

Even a lot of the AAA single player games have day 1 DLCs with skins or 15 different deluxe packages for preorder or something similar though

Doesn't need to be the in-game microtransactions but it's very rare today that everyone starts out with the same stuff in AAA games today

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

felt the same with What we do in the Shadows

I think a lot of those kind of shows just need to get to know the characters better and see what works and what doesn't in the first season and then improve on that when viewers also have a better understanding of that

[–] [email protected] 4 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (1 children)

I'd guess that the series X would need to show at least full HD

With the Steamdeck it only needs 720p which is a pretty big gain in performance

[–] [email protected] 46 points 10 months ago (3 children)

I think the most important part is that it launched without DRM on GOG and was able to be pirated from day 1 and it STILL was a huge success because people knew that the game isn't trying anything shady to get even more money from you

It's just something people actually want to support and not like people feel like even if they buy the game they only have half an experience if they don't spend more money later

I really hope the next financial report from Larian is making people think differently about the necessity of putting aggressive DRM in their games

People don't pirate because they don't want to pay - they pirate because they don't trust the game to bit pull more shady shit later and not be worth it in the end

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (9 children)

I really hope they take a good look and overthink their approach even if that means more delays.

With their last games their track record looks more as if they are about to make a new Assassin's Creed game as the next Dragon Age Installment

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago (1 children)

While at the same time projecting those groups as privileged compared to them

Jews can at the same time be the powerful secret rulers of the world but also just a "subhuman" according to them.

Populism tells people that they are better than others but are also worse off than those that they are better than so they don't have to feel bad to attack those

[–] [email protected] 10 points 11 months ago

Isn't the number one reason cheap meat since they need shittons of antibiotics in factory farming?

I'd assume that it's more of a correlation that people in less polluted cities are richer on average and eat less of the really shitty meat that has the highest chance to carry that kind of bacteria?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

Yeah I'm not denying that

It's not uncommon in summer but to that extent it is - and my comment only said that it's not an autumn thing in Germany and I stand by that since it's usually only happening during summer storms or in winter

In autumn it usually just rains since we don't have those extreme short storms after a calm day the same way we have in summer and hail only happens with those

[–] [email protected] 5 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Pretty sure summer isn't over

Weather is just in complete chaos right now and probably for the the foreseeable future.

Wouldn't be surprised if we'd get more than 30° again before August is over.

Also hail isn't a thing in autumn in Germany usually.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 11 months ago

There are still a couple of really old forests but yeah it's increasingly rare

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

current beneficiaries

I think the main problem is that this isn't just the owners of some corporation but also the average citizen.

it's objectively a downgrade if you don't have the option to fly for holiday and see other cultures every year. It's definitely a downgrade to have to adhere to train-schedules instead of just hopping into your car.

the problem is always "why should I do it if others don't" and then nothing moves - and since it looks to politicians as if noone wants to do anything they don't implement measures...

solar powered flight won't happen as batteries are too heavy - that's imho the main-thing we should use hydrogen for (other than perhaps chemical/steel-companies)

beef is never a good option because of the amount of food you need to even get to the end-product - it's just too inefficient. And in a world where we already destroy enough species by climate change we will need to cut down on chemicals to kill the few insects that are left and in result the birds that rely on them and do even worse damage to the ecosystem that we can't even comprehend. but if we don't use chemicals to kill insects we will need more space to grow the same amount of food and we just don't have the luxury of using that to feed cows in order to get to meat.

not to mention that "locally sourced beef" won't help if it's food is soy coming from a farm that was rainforrest 5 years ago

it's just a huge prisoner's dilemma and noone wants to be the first person or the first country to move out of fear that others might exploit that. I mean you have people online telling everyone stating that they are vegan for the climate that they'll eat twice as much meat now just to make up for it - or people flying multiple times a year since they just don't care. Social responsibility never will work on it's own but without it there won't be any laws...

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago (3 children)

And people want something out of the options given to them

but there are responsible options - people are just too lazy (flying, driving) or too entitled to change their habits (meat, milk, also driving) to make the right choice. Sure sometimes it's more expensive but many times it's actually less expensive (like biking or not eating meat) but people still don't care enough to make those changes to their habits and are actually furious if politicians are only suggesting that they should.

People are not one homogeneous group with enough power to be the change.

but they actually are - many cities are already making it harder for people to drive a car there and far easier to use the bikes because people living there want it that way. Or for example the biggest producer of meat-replacements in Germany was a purely meat-producing company 20 years ago and are currently on a trajectory to not produce meat anymore because people kept buying their replacements in an amount that their profits from those surpassed those from meat a couple of years ago.

Voting with your wallet totally works.

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