
joined 3 weeks ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 6 days ago (4 children)

I would think a two-hander is massive enough to be a blunt weapon if turned sideways, striking with the flat of the sword. But, my opinion is really uninformed.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 days ago

You keep repeating it because a false dichotomy, that you must choose between a D or R, prevents you from accepting that the lesser evil is, in fact, evil. So, you're stuck on stupid and not asking questions. This should help:

The Democrats already, quite predictably, ignored the outcome of their primary to nominate Clinton. They're not going to do a fucking thing that doesn't make a corporate donor money. All of Sanders proposals took from corporations to provide for humans. He never stood a chance of being nominated as a Democrat and he damned well knew it. If we give him the benefit of the doubt then his goal was education. If not, he rallied for Democrats to avoid the rise of a Labor Party during a critical time in history.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

We've seen this before with Reagan. We took the military industrial complex to the next level. If history repeats with banks deregulated as they are now... It won't matter one fucking bit, really. It's not very important whom they choose to front their cons. No President can save us, or would want to. Our oppressor is not our savior.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 6 days ago

If it's after they're elected then it'll run down the line of succession: VP, Speaker of the House, president pro tempore of the Senate, then the cabinet.

If it's before they're elected, I'm no expert but I believe the Democratic and Republican parties are private organizations that can do whatever the fuck they want, even fail to abide by the results of their own primaries.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Put a 12V to 24V inverter just inside the firewall. This will isolate the "noisy" vehicle power system from the more fragile solar panel and power bank. It won't be nearly as expensive as an inverter that can survive the engine bay.

The 24V output of the inverter should be wired in parallel with one or several 24V solar panels, then into the power bank input. In this configuration the vehicle power system and solar system can charge the power bank simultaneously. No action is needed to change between power modes. However, you should have a main cutoff switch, disconnecting all power from the power bank.

I highly recommend a Victron brand inverter.

Warning: Direct current (DC) systems present an extreme fire danger. Every wire must be the correct gauge, every fuse the right size, every crimp correct. No piece of the puzzle is difficult. But, one must have all of them to build a safe and reliable system.