
joined 1 year ago

In case the main link doesn't work: https://i.imgur.com/KFWEX4S.mp4

Seriously, that frog sounds almost as bad as the BotW Fountain Faeries.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 weeks ago

Oh...yeah, that does look a lot closer to it. Thanks for pointing it out ^^ I'm going to edit the post.

SPLORP! (i.imgur.com)
submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Just in case the direct link doesn't work properly: https://i.imgur.com/IgbRs9y.mp4

~~PS: The mushy thing they're standing on might be a cluster of Giant Salvinia, a floating water plant that can create extemely buoyant "islands" up to 60 cm thick.~~

EDIT: More likely a floating mat (Thanks again!)

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm almost sorry for posting this.


(shamelessly stolen from an imgur post: https://imgur.com/gallery/LKgj9Ok)



PS: Just a little apology / eye bleach: https://i.imgur.com/BD6pbO9.mp4 (I promise THIS isn't frustrating to watch)

[–] [email protected] 13 points 3 months ago

Eat them dry while maintaining eye contact to assert dominance.


Direct link just in case the other one doesn't work: https://i.imgur.com/DpcYyFQ.mp4

Mood. (i.imgur.com)

Just to put it into perspective:

(open in new tab to zoom in)


(shamelessly stolen from an imgur dump)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

Amen. As a DM it is completely fine to generate challenging "food for thought" situations for their players, but when you start to play against your party and actively sabotage their characters, decisions or playstyle, it's time to step down as a DM.


(shamelessly stolen from an imgur dump)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

"Fun" Fact: that chart isn't even a joke - it is actually, factually, pretty accurate. You can get a prison sentence of up to 3 years for that particular gesture.

Gemäß § 86a Absatz 1 und 2 StGB ist es nicht erlaubt, nationalsozialistische Symbole, Grußformeln oder Parolen zu verwenden. Der Hitlergruß wird [...] mit bis zu drei Jahren Freiheitsstrafe geahndet

...on the other hand, it is a wonderful piece of irony that a joke about Germans turns out to be a non-joke in disguise, lol. German humor is no laughing matter, after all!


Know your shits! (i.imgur.com)
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

(Shamelessly stolen from an imgur dump, but I felt like it belongs here)


Since so many of you suggested additions, I'm just going to list them all in one place. Let's create a community-made enzycrapedia of shit-related terms and phrases!

Transcription of the image in case the picture disappears:

  • Dogshit: Very poor quality

  • Bullshit: Not true

  • Horseshit: Nonsense

  • Apeshit: rambunctious

  • Batshit: insane

  • Chickenshit: coward

  • Ratshit: poor quality

  • No shit: obviously (also sometimes "No shit, Sherlock!" as an exclamation)

  • Holy shit: mind blowing / unbelievable

  • Hot shit: very good

  • Dipshit: a total dumbass

  • Tuff shit: take it or leave it. (correct spelling would be "tough shit")

  • Jack shit: nothing

  • The shit: perfection

More shit:

  • Cut the shit: knock it off.

  • Are you shitting me: are you serious.

  • This shit is bananas: this is crazy.

  • That’s my shit: I really like that.

  • I dig that shit: I love it

  • Shit!: An exclamation of discontent. See also: fuck.

  • I shit myself: I pooped my pants.

  • Shit-Hawk: unpleasant person

  • For shits and giggles: Doing something silly for no particular reason

  • Shit a brick: to be scared

  • Scared shitless: being really scared

  • Shitstain: someone trashy or worthless

  • Shit for brains: stupid

  • Shit sandwich: a shitty situation

  • Shithead: a shitty person

  • Shithole: a shitty place

  • Piece of shit: a shitty thing

  • Deep shit: a meaningful revelation

  • To be up shit creek (without a paddle): to be in deep trouble

  • To be full of shit: constantly lying

  • Shit Stirrer: someone who deliberately causes problems/arguments

  • Get your shit together: to organize stuff properly (alternatively; to calm down)

  • Losing your shit: freaking out

  • To [do] the shit out of something: doing something in an excellent way

  • I don't give a shit: I don't care

  • When shit hits the fan: when an already bad situation suddenly becomes worse

  • Shit happens: bad things happen and you can't do anything about it

  • Shit just got real: Something dangerous is happening right now

  • Does a bear shit in the woods?: Isn't it obvious?

  • Eat shit: To fall on your face

  • Shit-eating grin: a smug and condescending expression

  • Who shit in your cereal?: Who ruined your day/mood?

  • (To watch the) Shitshow: watching utter chaos unfold without intervening

  • A metric shit ton: a lot

  • Shit on a Shingle: a dish consisting of a cream sauce with meat in it poured over toast

  • Nuttier than squirrel shit: being crazy

  • Shitstorm: a stressful, chaotic situation

  • You don't know shit: you're clueless

  • Don’t shit where you eat: Don’t date a work colleague

  • The shits: diarrhea

  • My shit: my stuff

  • Shitter: toilet

  • You are shit: you're worthless

  • You are not shit: reassuring that you're NOT worthless

  • You ain't shit: you're worse than worthless

Thanks and credit to: Poopmeister, Wogi, protist, cloudy1999, lambchop and ToRa

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Marvellous ♪

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