
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago


Alcohol causes increase of domestic violence. You're right in that there exists a certain number of shitheads regardless of alcohol. But alcohol reduces inhibitions. While sober, they may just yell at their wife. Drunk, they hit them. This is a well-studied effect.

And sure, alcohol can act as a social lubricant and the majority of people who use it don't commit violence.

But amplified over the whole population we're talking about tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people affected by alcohol related abuse - depending how you define abuse.

As for positive from cigarettes, it can act as a mild antidepressant and mild stimulant. Helps you focus. Something like 80-90% of schizophrenics smoke. They think it's because it acts as sort of a self-medication.

It also helps during the process of quitting other substances. For example rehabs give away free cigarettes and vapes.

Having said all this, I'm not trying to start a crusade against alcohol. It's perfectly natural to use. And the government shouldn't ban it - that's stupid for a number of reasons. Philosophical to practical.

But I'm just saying people are very negative to smoking and positive to Marijuana and alcohol when statistically speaking alcohol does a lot more damage

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

I still browse reddit occasionally to watch videos like/r/crazyfuckingvideos or to read discussion on thr war /r/credibledefense or certain game subs like /r/chess or /r/slaythespire

I haven't made a comment or voted on anything since the API change though. All of the content I generate going forward will go exclusively to Fediverse.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Ok so answer this - you believe Trump played absolutely zero role in the takeover of the Republican party? You think he was simply a puppet for foreign powers and his apparent aptitude with the media is entirely due to this connection to foreign powers?

Obviously no one leader acts alone - even Hitler himself in his rise to power had to stand on the shoulders of his advisors and supporters. But what role did he play in his domination of German politics?

I think personally these types of people learn to surf intuitively. They ride the wave of public opinion and know what to say from some sort of intuitive sense. Trump had time to develop this sense - he has been in the public eye more or less his whole life and spent many years on TV.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 10 months ago (3 children)

There are many people in prison today and there is only one Trump.

The guy took down the entire GOP establishment in 2016 and essentially owns the party today. It's hard to understate the significance of this. It was essentially a coup, and he managed to do it with media.

If the left ever wants real change in this country we need to be able to do the same thing. Bernie for example failed.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

In a perfect world I think that'd be best. Some sort of experienced and educated technocrat who gradually reforms the system into a more equitable one.

Realistically though, the issue is two-fold. In this modern environment with lowering attention spans and increasing polarization, you need this type of circus media strategy to be a viable candidate.

Even Biden's campaign for example is posting "dark brandon" ads on conservative websites. I don't think he's advertising to conservatives as much as knowing it will go viral and everyone else will see it as well. And from what I can gather, it worked pretty well. I've seen multiple posts about that campaign online on different platforms.

Secondly, we are in unprecedented times. Gradual reform won't cut it. There are threats of war, economic instability, political tensions (including violence), etc. I think the only real way to be effective in this environment is by being radical. Anything else would just maintain the status quo - essentially biding time until the next radical right winger wins again. It's too dangerous.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 10 months ago (2 children)

I agree. A tendency for raping minors is definitely not a desirable trait in a leader.

Really I want a controversial leftist populist who is good with modern media. Maybe it'd be dangerous but I'd imagine no more dangerous than Trump and his death cult.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (4 children)

Typically only in cases where they are getting repeated exposure. For example children who live with parents who smoke inside. Someone breathing in cigarette smoke in passing in a well ventilated area is probably no more dangerous to their health than eating fast food or drinking soda.

I'm much more concerned with drunk driving and the thousands of annual deaths associated with that. Not to mention drunks beating their wives or getting into fights, etc

Smoking is bad, no doubt. But I really do think the societal rubberband snap is a strange effect we're having. Almost everyone used to smoke - now nobody does. It's very interesting.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 10 months ago (10 children)

Tobacco smoking, at least cigarettes, is quickly becoming de-normalized in some countries. In New Zealand they did a ban with current smokers grandfathered in essentially. In the US, there is more and more hostility to smoking.

People will cough and act dramatic when you smoke outside, you can't smoke inside of anywhere but bars anymore (and only some bars at that). Smoking is seen as low brow - typically mostly done by the lower rungs of society.

Zizek talks about this a bit and claims it's ideology. You are compelled to enjoy and be a hedonist - but never too much.

Personally, I quit smoking a long time ago but I think alcohol is much worse but doesn't get nearly the same treatment.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago

I hired an escort once when drunk at like 2am. I couldn't get hard so we just talked for 30 minutes or so and I left.

I do tell people, including dates, if they ask or it comes up. Mostly because I find it an amusing story and people get amused. My dates haven't reacted negatively so far. I'm sure some will but typically I try to filter them before we get to that point.

I don't like judgy people or super-prudes.

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