
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 13 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

I'm still baffled by it, but a couple of years ago I found a switch in my brain and now I rarely have issues falling asleep anymore. I think the most important thing for me is not to constantly ask myself why I'm failing at such a seemingly simple task, but rather work around my natural instincts and try to support them as best I can.

If I go to bed early, because I have to get up early, I start spiralling and fall asleep way later, so I try to only go to bed whenever I'm tired. If I end up sleping too little I take one or two 20 minute naps (I try to never exceed 20, it would make me even more tired).

Another factor is probably how long I sleep. I always assumed I wanted to sleep long, because getting up sucks. But at some point I realised, that my first 'sorta-awake' moment is the perfect moment to get up and have energy for the day and get tired at the proper time. This moment comes at around 6 hours for me. I still struggle with this a lot though.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Yea, it was something about wireless. I believe it affected 2.4 GHz and BT, was easily fixed with some udev rules though.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I have the BT version which worked great with the workaround, but it's not needed anymore, at least on EndeavourOS (Arch)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago (2 children)

You might have difficulty locating the documents folder on linux. It should be under /compatdata/292030/pfx/c_drive/users//documents (I just typed that off the top of my head, so it's might not be exaclty that, but something similar, sorry)

Also I would recommend you run the game once, before copying stuff, sometimes games write files on first launch, which could mess with your settings

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago (4 children)

First, which game are you talking about? Does it need proton on linux, or does it run natively?

Definitely first install the game through steam on linux and then overwrite stuff.

You should be able to access your windows drive through linux. I would expect it to show up in your file manager automatically and ask for your linux root password when you try to access it.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 9 months ago

I realised like a year ago that I get up better if I set an alarm for a 7 hour sleep. I usually wake up before the alarm somehow and if I manage to get up, I won't feel tired the entire day. Did that for a year, then I just forgot and for an entire month I was irritated why my sleep sucked so bad...

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago

I'm using feeder on android. It's really simple, but has all the necessary features imo. It's on f-droid and is getting updates.