[-] [email protected] 3 points 11 months ago

beehaw is only one instance, and I’d love to keep it an instance that I know is full of actual people.

That's an insightful way of putting it that didn't come to mind.

I think part of what Beehaw uniquely offers is the drive for its own kind of instance and user culture and a closer and more organic community. Bots, save for moderator tools, admittedly detract from that kind of vibe. I could imagine that sacrificing less necessary bots, either partially or entirely, could be an important measure toward securing those aforementioned values. Federation with more Reddit-esque instances still allows us to scratch Reddit sort of itch when it comes up.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I don't think I have a strong opinion toward bots. They could get gimmicky and unnecessary, but I never felt like they detracted from my experience to a noteworthy degree. I don't think I ever disliked bots too much on Reddit? But then again, I rarely liked or wanted bots, either. I have a loose leaning toward letting people reasonably experiment with how they interact with a platform online, but "bots" as in the kind of stuff I remember from Reddit seem like a relatively weak expression of that. If I had to put an opinion down, I'd say that I'm in favor of their continued presence with the caveat of some guidelines and defined best-practices. Otherwise, if I wake up one day to learn that bots are banned on Beehaw, admittedly I wouldn't be all that bummed about it.

th3raid0r and Lionir seem to get pretty well at the kind of recommendations I'd like to see. Bots ideally should provide a meaningful contribution to communities. Bots should be clearly labelled and identifiable as such. Bot creators should have consent from the community's moderators to have a bot interact within the community. The Cardinal Be^e^ Nice applies here, perhaps to a greater degree: bots shouldn't be used to fake engagement, impersonate people, commit technical attacks on the community, etc.

the_itsb also reminded me of another aspect: we may want to consider how active and populated a community is. Bots take up the attention and visual space of everyone else browsing a community and its discussions. It strikes me as a worst-case scenario, but I could imagine it's possible for a bot overabundance to choke out legitimate conversation. That's enough for me to start thinking twice about whether or not I have a loose stance on this.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 11 months ago

I worry that most Lemmy instances are too young/inactive for this kind of bot yet. I don’t think we’re past the tipping point where the people commenting will automatically outweigh the bots, and I don’t think those bots are fun unless they’re dramatically outweighed by normal human interaction.

That's an interesting way of putting it that I didn't immediately consider.

I don't necessarily like them, but I'm not really all that against them, either. If we don't have the activity to balance out bot input, however, it might be reasonable to limit them one way or another. It seems to me like a worst-case scenario, but if a community or thread has what feels like a noticeable amount of bots, that would be a turn-off for me.

If the community decides to limit bot traffic either partially or entirely, it might be good to revisit that decision later on if there's an upward trend in users and activity.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 11 months ago

Do spoiler foldouts maintain their functionality across UIs, either directly or in essence (eg. popup instead)?

Part of me wishes that Lemmy also had spoilers that reveal in place, but foldout spoilers have some functionality that makes me appreciate having both on hand. I'd bet bots could benefit from using that to minimize visual space if we go through with it.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 11 months ago

Almost makes me think that we have a fighting chance to make tags on Lemmy work. Part of me would want to see tags get some unique formatting like post flairs, but even just inline tags would be a leg-up.

Or maybe both in-line and post tags. Neat stuff to daydream 🤔.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

I've been in touch with my therapist over maybe three distinct periods since 2018. It was always surprisingly slow, draining, and exhausting to get things started for a range of reasons. Slog aside, however, it was always incredibly worth it to get a professional perspective and to begin with professional solutions. By no means has it been perfect, but it's been much better. I think it's fair to say it's been life changing, even. I'd always recommend people consider professional help if it even crosses their mind and they're in a position where they can access it. All the best in finding a therapist!

Ditching music streaming sounds cool! I think I'll still have a place in my playlists for streaming to handle stuff like music I'm trying out or some lower priority tunes, but I've been gradually building up my own library. There's something really satisfying about having the files on my own hardware, or at least having something I purchased online rather than relying on streaming. I've had the rug pulled under me with songs or shows I was streaming before. It's always a bummer to discover one less song or episode in my media library 😞.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago

Thanks for the heads-up. Part of me isn't too surprised given how long some side-effects lists can get, but for the most part it didn't occur to me that my taste getting funked up was potentially in the cards.

I've been on Adderall for maybe eight-so months now. It hasn't perfectly resolved my challenges, but things have been much better compared to taking nothing. My psych recently asked that I start taking my blood pressure to send that in, and it looks like it's elevated. I'm doing what I can to bring it down, but given my understanding, I won't see results until later. I think I'll be okay if I'm put on a different medication, but I'll admit it's not fun to think about.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago

It's the first I heard about longboarding on trails, too. I'd be interested to learn more about what that's like.

My brother used to do a lot of longboarding when I was growing up. He was more into doing things on smooth/paved ground as far as I knew. Going down hills was his thing; had a few buddies he'd do it with. I remember he had the road puck gloves for it. I should ask if he still has those lying around in some drawer of his apartment. Scraped his knees and arms plenty of times, occasionally pretty gnarly. Probably broke at least one bone 👀?

I never got into it myself, but it was some cool stuff to see from the side while he was still into it.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 11 months ago

Goin' aight. It was fun last week, but pretty busy for a summer week for me too. I had a friend over while they were in town for the summer, got to see Les Mis while there was a performance in SF, and was unexpectedly enlisted to help another friend practice for their driving test. All a great time, but maybe I'll get some more time this week to tend to some personal hobbies and projects.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

In this video I show off some different Lemmy instances and discuss why the lemmyverse and even some individual Lemmy instances can become a better alternative to Reddit.

(via. Odysee)

I dunno how the community collectively feels about Mental Outlaw in sum, but there's content of his that has its way of piquing my interests. He just put up a video showcasing Lemmy, some instances, and the mechanics/interactions between them. Probably old news for many of us, but I think it's always pretty cool to see Lemmy get its mention.

Beehaw specifically got its mention through the video and he briefly touches on Beehaw's defederation from sh.itjust.works. I'm pretty confident he disagrees with the decision, but his opinion and description of things struck me as balanced and respectable enough. I'd wager that a more precise description of the intrigue would likely take as much time as the video itself.

Any thoughts on Mental Outlaw's coverage of either Lemmy in sum or Beehaw? Anyone else seen creators they keep their eyes on give mention of Lemmy?


joined 1 year ago