
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago

It depends on the exam. One exam where it was totally possible was the EEE aero MAT for imperial college London. They have retired it since but i got about 50% (i know someone who got an interview with a negative score) because whenever the answer was a function, i could plug the function into the question ratger than do it from first principles (eg differential equations).

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago (1 children)

in my opinion no. In various historical empires declining working class populations led to even more authorotarianism etc

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (3 children)

birth rate collapse is also a problem


I am making a graphics card on the tang nano 20k board. I tried synthesising the design in the official IDE and it output:

[95%] Generate netlist file "/home/original2/Downloads/Gowin_V1.9.8.09_Education_linux/IDE/bin/VGA_out/impl/gwsynthesis/VGA_out.vg" completed

with no further updates for 40 minutes so far. I am on a 16 core system with 24GB of ram (the process is maxing out 1 core right now as well as using 6GB RAM). Why is it not progressing..

I do have a 60 by 80 array with 11 bit numbers in it if that is relevant


I would like to learn a couple of languages (polish and Japanese - I already learned Spanish to a decent degree) but it seems like every solution is closed source.

I would use books but listening (and speaking) are very important and books won't help with those.

What would you guys recommend?