submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello there,

I am an experienced programmer. I can do C/C++/Rust/assembly/Ruby/Perl/Python/ etc.. The language itself is not a barrier.

The barrier to me is that I have never coded a single web or android application. I guess it must be surprising but I am more of a low-level programmer in my job (I develop a compiler backend) and I never really had the opportunity or idea to work on an app.

What would be a good starting point for making an android application?

A quick search got me this: https://google-developer-training.github.io/android-developer-fundamentals-course-concepts-v2/unit-1-get-started/lesson-1-build-your-first-app/1-1-c-your-first-android-app/1-1-c-your-first-android-app.html

Would it be a good starting point?

Side note: my app will not have to interact with any service. If I were to code it as a command-line program, it would not take me more than a day or two. The actual app would involve (for now) no more than a text field, a button, some logic attached to it - the hard part for me being to choose a framework to build it, "upload it" to my phone and use it.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

I don't know of any software platform where that would not happen.

Even with a text-only platform people can still post URLs to unsafe content.

I think OP is referring to some kind of automated scanner but I'm not sure there are publicly available ones. I guess using them would come at a cost - either computational or $$. And even so, there can be false positives so you would probably still have to check the report anyway someday.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Absolutely. Just yesterday I tried asking stable diffusion to draw me "An elephant and a monkey dance while two cheetahs drink punch. The elephant and monkey look very happy. The cheetahs look bored."

It drew me two elephants with monkey hair and two cheetahs. No punch, no dance.

If what you ask is somewhere in the bank of images it will draw it. But if what you ask is a situation the AI has never encountered before in any image, it will fail to invent it.

If all artists used AI we would be stuck on a loop of content that is not novel. Years from now we would stop seeing amazing incredible art. There would be no evolution at all in the styles.

I am glad that there are artists who continue to draw without AI even if it must be hard for them.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

That's true especially in gaming circles.

There are big misconceptions about game development jobs. People tend to think that implementing X or Y feature "surely can't be that hard". They have absolutely zero experience in game design or game programming and yet they take on such a condescending level when you read their posts.

Programming is hard. Balancing is hard. Developing a game while you have a whole player base against you is hard. The game industry is most infamously known for its crunch times and high turnover rates. And yet players do not respect that.

Whenever a game gets released at all, it's such a ton of work that have been done. Even if the game turns out to be not as fun as people wanted. Or even if there are bugs. In fact, i am sure that half of the people that complain aggressively will never do something that impressive in their life, ever.

We should be in awe and respect our fellow devs because this job is one of pure passion.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 9 months ago

Even if the commit message is concise, there is a difference between what the patch does on a technical level and what the end user will see as a result.

IMO the solution is to link each commit to an issue or a ticket - some high-level description of the feature the commit implements - but there still has to be someone who makes the effort of making sure each commit is linked to a ticket and who nags the devs when they forget to do so..

[-] [email protected] 16 points 9 months ago

I would say it is this way because it takes a big effort to crunch all the patches that have been made thus far and make an easy-to-read summary out of them.

It's not something that comes for free. You need someone on the job.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

I would also add that maintaining a fork means either missing out on the new features from the fork or have a lot of trouble rebasing every now and then (the more the fork is different from upstream, the higher the cost of rebasing)

[-] [email protected] 9 points 9 months ago

I understand that video games dev and Web dev does not overlap but the developer field is more vast than just Web. For example embedded development uses a lot of C/C++ so knowledge would be transferable there.

I would also say that even though the engines or framework is not the same, surely there are human skills that can be transferred like managing a project, solving problems, algorithms, performance analytics and debugging.

But that's only my theory and I have no experience on switching field like that

[-] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago

Do you know why is that so?

[-] [email protected] 25 points 9 months ago

Video games devs have it much worse than other developers though

[-] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago

I highly disagree with the 2nd point

I hate RTS because there are so much going on everywhere at the same time that I just can't handle it. You gotta master your production while scouting while repelling raids while strategizing to see what kind of army the opponent is building while exploring the tech tree and.. damn how did they just send an army of 50 fellas??

MOBAs allow me to fully focus on the moment and whatever I'm doing instead of being perpetually late on the actions that need doing

[-] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago

You should probably talk to a therapist. Maybe a psychologist. I know people who have gone through tough times ; going through therapy sessions helped them a big deal.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago

That explains a lot of things! I couldn't get into Morrowind for this very reason

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I used to be a lurker of r/C_programming where people would ask questions and get answers. It mostly consisted of students wanting to get a human answer to their problem.

I liked chiming in there and answering from time to time. Although you always had that one student who ordered to do the homework for them, there were some nice and helpful interactions in that subreddit.

Would people be interested in a community focused around helping each others in programming? Or would this very community do the job already?

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joined 11 months ago