[-] [email protected] -2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

pushing for a move from “Free” to “Open Source.”

Can you explain more? Is that related to the clown gpl guys criticizing BSD/MIT/ISC license and laugh on FreeBSD for letting Apple to do whatever I can't remember?

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

10 years later: De-Proton your life.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 3 weeks ago

A garbage to run ads again. Everyone already knows the myths and they don't need the same post to pop up every year.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Every year I upgrade to something better and found the past distros very disgusting.

6/2021: Ubuntu, Debian, Mint (for ~15 minutes), Kali Linux

2022: Ubuntu, Lubuntu, RHEL, Fedora (for some days), Arch

2023: Artix (for some days), Gentoo, Alpine (Alpine is the best distro I've ever seen), switched to OpenBSD in the end of the year!

2024: OpenBSD. Have a machine running FreeBSD but currently unplugged and haven't learned anything from FreeBSD.

OpenBSD is so simple and I started reading man pages when I use it. I'm starting to learn tmux. Started to learn sed. Started writing some shell scripts. I can confirm I wasted time using all the distros above except Alpine. Except when I compile the linux kernel on Gentoo. I switched to OpenBSD without any problem. I quickly forgot the /dev/sda1 and learned disklabel. Not using vim without any problem, and I learned how to use vi efficiently.

OpenBSD is not too hard for any "newbies" that can read English. They can type "help" and it will open help(1). When they have read help(1) they will read afterboot(8). afterboot(8) is just comprehensive. It's a pity that package management is about the end of this man page, but package management is just simple: pkg_add and pkg_delete package-name. They may read pkg_add(1) and pkg_delete(1) when they want to upgrade.

Default X11 window manager is fvwm. xterm is launched when X is started. You can move windows with mouse. Minimized windows also appear on the grey screen. But you have to double click much. This is usable. cwm is also available when you want a wm that can be used with a keyboard. It is much more efficient.

2025: plan 9 ???

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

I really hope microsoft abandons windows in favour of its cloud apps for people who need it and lets Linux distros rule the desktop world

This only born more commercial distros and make macos and chromeos span even more.

Open source benefits when there are so many companies competing.


[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

I dont know what you mean by privacy projects spreading dirty JS

They are using js in their websites

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Don't even read your reply, all I want to say is you are acting like what CIA, through whatever self-claimed civil society organizations or NGOs is doing to Viet Nam and China now.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Laugh on your "basic decency and criticism".

then such projects/forks should be abolished to the valley of death

It seems these guys failed to abolish OpenBSD to death so they find an easier target: GrapheneOS. In fact, both project accept "inputs, basic decency and criticism". OpenBSD have a friendly connection with FreeBSD. But the os is make for their developers, and they can ignore whatever wideopenbsd or isopenbsdsecure without having problem, they can have the user to read man pages without having problems. On the linux world drama is caused by having user to read faq themselves, and Micay failed to ignore the dramas.

Same for any such individuals like Micay who believe in witch hunting, cultism and silencing people.

Micay is just dumb when he stepped down for your pleasure.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

I'm upset that GrapheneOS does not follow OpenBSD: ignore people likes you and work on any feature they want. On the 90s, the NetBSD core team expelled Theo de Raadt and revoked his access on the code which others could. On 2020s, you, not any core of GrapheneOS, trying to expell Micay from GrapheneOS's project leader role. Like what cia is doing to Viet Nam and China.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

You can’t blend in with a crowd of vanadium users with the amount of data points given away by the browser. Your fingerprint will be decernable from other users. Without actual anti-fingerprinting, which theoretical can allow for a crowd only when fingerprinting of user browsers results in the same fingerprint ID, the best you can hope to do is thwart naive fingerprinting. Vanadium doesn’t have any anti-fingerprint built in, so the slightest differences between user can be used to easily fingerprint. Vanadium

Anti-fingerprinting? By blocking javascript which the half-hearted privacy users can never afford? hahahahaha. Even privacy projects spread dirty javascripts.

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