
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Let me preface this by saying I'm not a fan at all of Bill Burr, but he recently went on Bill Maher's show, and said he was with the students. He's also said some inflammatory things in the past, so I'm not sure. Are we cool with Bill Burr, now?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

N-no? You're supposed to take the kindness and compassion you show yourself and apply it to others :/

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

I've tried to use Gemini browsers, but they are too complicated for my human brain. I can't remember which browser it was, but it was used mostly for Gemini space.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago

I'm proud of you in your journey to cut back on drinking. You got this. Keep fighting. It's a struggle, but it is worth it.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 months ago (4 children)

I classify anything that helps your mood as self care lol. Drinking tea would be self care. Flossing helps your teeth stay healthy so I figured it counts.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago

I think you're right that the anger is misguided. I also think it stems from trauma, but that's just me. It's like the old saying "hurt people hurt people" and right-wingers are a bunch of repressed, hurt people.


Hello. Let's talk about self-care. Who practices self-care regularly? I've been making an absolute effort to practice self-care, and it's definitely improving my mood. I floss, meditate, do qigong, breathwork, etc. Yes, flossing is self-care, take care of yo teefs. What does everyone do for self-care? Bonus question: Where else can I post questions besides Ask Lemmy?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Honestly, I've been trying hard to practice self-care, so I believe in loving and being kind to yourself. Im also very left leaning, close to socialist/anarchist ideals/beliefs.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

I used to hang out on toefur, a straight edge forum (I was straight edge for the majority of my life, not anymore though) It wasn't a bad site to be on, but it had its moments. I learned the phrase fuckdammit there.


Hello! I've been searching for a reddit alternative, and yes, I've picked Lemmy and Raddle, but here's the thing. My morbid curiosity is perked up, and a part of me wants to join the "free speech" alternatives, like Saidit, Poal, etc. What's wrong with me that I want to join toxic places? I mean, yes I'll find a whole new perspective (albeit wrong), on political topics, but a part of me wants to be the antagonist, and post lefty memes, and music with a left-leaning message (bands from r/rabm) I know that's like kicking the hornet's nest, so you don't need to start in with "that's a bad idea" I know it is. My main point/question is, is it wrong to join a site with potential hate speech? Does it make someone a bad person?


Hi! Recently exiled reddit user, here. I'm curious what other alternatives to reddit there are, besides Lemmy, and Raddle, of course. Also, imho, Phuks is a good alternative, there's no hate-speech (that I'm aware of) and people are pretty respectful. Anyways, let's hear your suggestions! Thank you!


I decided to check out The Militant, a socialist news site, and it looks to be supporting Israel. I could be wrong and I hope I am, but wtf?


Hi. This question is for leftists mostly. If you watch a content creator that's on the left, but they have a questionable guest on, do you continue to watch that creator or do you find a different creator to watch? I sometimes watch The Convo Couch and Danny Haiphong, but they've had very questionable guests on and I can't bring myself to support guests like that. Bonus question: Do you watch non-left channels?


Hello comrades! I figured I might have a bit more scientific responses here than Reddit, or maybe the same. So, for the longest damn time, I was really into adaptogenic teas, it gave me a bit of a buzz but in a good way. More focused I should say. I also have autism, and I tried a cordyceps tea and I didn't feel as autistic when drinking the tea if that makes sense? I'm pretty dumb when it comes to scientific things, like the brain and stuff, so please help me understand. If I try adaptogenic teas again, will it take away more of my autism, as the adaptogenic rewire your brain? Also, I'm confused on the whole neurprotective thing. Does neuroprotective mean it'll protect my autistic brain? Or what exactly does that mean?

P.S. I'm NOT trying to get rid of my autism AT ALL. I know it's in your genes/dna, but then how do adaptogens work?

Bonus question: How long do adaptogenic teas stay in your system, and do your nerve pathways go back to normal when you stop taking adaptogens?


Hello. I bought a new computer recently, and the computer I'm replacing is still good, but it only works as a tablet now. I'm considering putting Linux on it, but would it be worth it or should I get rid of my old computer? Thanks!


Hi. I started doing the WHM (Wim Hof Method, for those not in the know) a couple years ago, it was going great. Recently, however, I started getting panic attacks, and I figured the WHM was to blame, so I have stopped doing it altogether. However, I've found ways to manage my panic attacks/paranoia, and now my brain's like "Well, since you're calmer, try the WHM again" And I'm weary it will trigger my panic attacks again? Should I give it a try or stick to what I've been doing? I should mention, I got back into yoga, and that's helped DRAMATICALLY with my anxiety/panic attacks. Which is why I'm considering doing the WHM again, because, apparently, the WHM will bring up past traumas, but yoga helps to get rid of that trauma, so in my head, if I combine the two, I'll be releasing that trauma? If that makes sense.


Hi. I just started buteyko method, and it's supposed to relax you and release nitric oxide when you do it. I did a session earlier, and I started seeing visuals/swirling of colors in my eyes. I'm pretty sure it was the nitric oxide being released. Are there any major side effects to nitric oxide? Could I get super high if my body released enough of it?


Hi! I just got a new computer recently, and I'm concerned about browser security and security in general. Any recommendations for a good secure browser? Preferably open source.


Hi Lemmy. I'm wondering if eating healthy or at least getting enough nutrients, would change a person's outlook on certain things. Like I'm trying out keto and certain foods like avocadoes calm my mind down. I guess I'm asking if someone followed a keto diet or vegetarian/vegan lifestyle, would that shape their political ideology? I'm probably being stupid, but it's just a thought I had. Discuss away!

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