[-] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago

Give a discount on food purchases so long as people agree to having every purchase tracked abd their data sold to marketing companies so they can figure out how to manipulate people into buying more shit they don't need.

People's food purchases are already scanned in before they buy them, so all that's needed is to get people to scan in some kind of card to connect their purchases to their identity. A small discount can be offered so people will fill out a form connecting their identity to the card and then every time they scan the card with their purchases we can track everything they buy forever.

Oh wait, that's actually already commonplace.,

[-] [email protected] -1 points 2 months ago

But how would one acquire karma if no one sees their comments?

Also automatically shadow banning new users will mean cool people that come to the site will get the impression that it sucks and leave and never come back.

[-] [email protected] -1 points 3 months ago

Yeah today after getting three bad answers in a row from ChatGPT I was quoting Thanos... "Fine. I'll do it myself."

[-] [email protected] -1 points 3 months ago

There's way too much money in the hands of the wealthy. What are they going to do with it all? Invest in the stock market. All the good investments are overvalued. All the bad investments are have been saturated too. What else can they do with all of that money. They gotta put it somewhere.

So they put excess money into real estate. So the price of real estate has been driven up so much that it's over valued like any other avenue of investment.

The stock prices being overvalued isn't good but isn't something that'll affect regular people. But their real estate investments being over valued? Well that real estate isn't an investment to someone that simply needs a place to live.

And that's the problem, the price of housing is priced above what the people what people outside of the investor class can afford. And the investor class wants a return on their investment in the overprices real estate (that they collectively drove the price up on) so charge a lot for rent. Of course maybe if people moved to another area that would put downward pressure on the rent prices. But AirBnB is there so if this happens they can still get income from that when no one can afford the insanely high rent.

So the overarching problem is the wealthy have wayyy too much money and are dumping their excess wealth into real estate and pricing people that just need a place to live out of the market. AirBnB isn't the cause of the problem but it makes the problem worse.

One of many problems caused by the unwillingness to simply tax the wealthy.

[-] [email protected] -1 points 3 months ago

Good old Poe's law.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 3 months ago

It's not too bad for learning a new language, but you still have to make an effort to understand why the code it's giving you works... or doesn't work which can happen often.

[-] [email protected] -1 points 3 months ago

Sure there are people that want to farm. But are there people that want to want to deal with sewage? Why do you think plumbers earn more money than other trades?

I want to run a cafe instead of what I'm doing right now. I don't want to be a waiter of wash dishes or anything like that. I just want to design the menus and decide on how it's decorated. Is that the job I'll have in a socialist utopia, or will I have to do a job I don't want to do? What if there's already too many cafes, or not enough people that want to be waiters or was dishes? I won't have to do anything but I'll still be provided for?

In the end there will always be people doing jobs they don't particularly want to do. Someone's gotta unclog the sewage when the elite of the socialist society plug the pipes with the overabundance of shit they spew out.

[-] [email protected] -1 points 3 months ago

You can't eat higher ideals.

Even Marie Antoinette wasn't so disconnected from the peasants to say "let them eat higher ideals."

Someone has to work so you can survive. If you don't want to work, society will take care of you. You'll still be living, but you aren't earning it, someone else is earning it for you.

[-] [email protected] -1 points 3 months ago

Even in a civilization someone has to produce food so you'll survive. Civilization doesn't mean no one has to work.

If you do no work but because of civilization you still have food to eat, it means someone else is working to earn your living for you.

This bizarre meme implies work has no value, and was likely made by a wealthy university socialist that had everything paid for by their parents so doesn't understand the value of work.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

Relax, they're just implementing rational monetary policy to keep the economy healthy.

Of course their version of inflation reduction involves dragons burning down a significant part of the land, but it works. Nobody is complaining about the price of groceries anyway.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago

We've all experienced the walk of shame to the server room to hook up a monitor keyboard.

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