
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago

It takes away time from campaigning and money raising. Sadly, the goal is not related to him. No one is paying attention to real issues and demanding accountability from Congress while all this is happening. This is the only factor that matters to the criminal oligarchy. Their goal is to prevent any forms of reasonable legislation that might restrict the loopholes they use to loot and pillage the rest of us.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I only need the ram to initially load an AI model.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

The best deal is probably going to be looking for a used machine with a 3080Ti. There were several of these made with Intel 12th gen CPU's. That is probably the cheapest way to get a 16 GB GPU. They can be found for considerably less than $2k. Anything with a "3080Ti" where the "Ti" part is super important, has a 16 GB GPU, (the "3080" is 8GB). That was the only 16 GB laptop GPU until the newer Nvidia 4k stuff.

That can play any game, and can run some large models for AI stuff if you become interested. On the AI front, you want maximum system memory too if possible. My machine can only address 64 GB of sysmem. Some go up to 96 GB. I wish I could get like 256 GB.

Just because a machine comes with Linux does not mean the problems are solved. You will find many times when people buy machines that have peripheral kernel modules that are orphaned and not part of the kernel. Orphaned kernels are not real Linux and are like phones. Indeed this is the exact mechanism used to steal your phone and prevent you from using it for its true hardware lifetime.

The real solution is https://linux-hardware.org/. Use that to see what works where. You also need to understand modern secure boot with the TPM chip and package keys. These exist outside of the Linux kernel. If delving into this system is too much for you to deal with or of no interest, just stick to using either Ubuntu or Fedora. These both have a special system outside of Linux that will handle the keys for you. Presently, these are the only two distro choices that do this; not derivatives either, it must be vanilla Ubuntu or Fedora. You won't be able to change anything in kernel space when going this route, but if the keys issue is unimportant, that probably won't be an issue.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

For me, it is not about "lost history." It is about contextual history and knowing if some tool I built in a distrobox uses only dandified, pacman, aptitude, portage; or if it also uses venv, conda; or if there was some install script.

It would be nice if I was on a stable kernel to avoid such a dependency salad, but that is not within the scope of playing with the latest AI toys where new tools and exploring new spaces is constantly creating opportunities to explore.

It would be nice if I was some genius full stack dev that could easily normalized all the tools under a single dependency containerization scheme, but that is not within my mental scope or interests at the present. For most AI tools, I follow the example given and only add a distrobox container as an extra layer of dependency buffering from the host. The ability to lazily see the terminal history for each of those containers is a handy way to see exactly what I did months ago.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Distrobox supports waydroid to use android apps on wayland. There are many small purpose built apps for android than can be useful on desktop.

No one seems to be mentioning apps in this specific kind of context, and I don't consider a locked down and stripped orphan kernel to be "Linux" but a lot of this stuff it FOSS and can now run on both.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

No expert here, but Toxoplasma gondii come to mind.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Network Filter Tables (NFT) is the current system. https://wiki.nftables.org/wiki-nftables/index.php/Main_Page

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I slowly seem to degrade over time. I lay down most of the time, but still manage to ride a bike. I'm in weird shape because when I was disabled I was an amateur racer. I never lost my race legs. On a bike, I'm as close to normal as I get. However I'm easily injured as a result because I'm so disproportionately strong in a singular activity while weak everywhere else.

The hardest part has been coming to terms with my limitations due to what it takes for me to limit the ups and downs for a more stable life where I can sleep at least 5-6 hours every night. I'm so close to being "normal" that it is hard to admit my limitations to myself. I look fine. If all I do is stay laying down at around 30 degrees, I feel fine for the most part. There is always some pain but if I stay laying down and don't do much for several weeks in a row, the pain can almost go into the background. However, I still cook my main daily meal every 8-14 days. I did that for an hour yesterday. I can feel that still today. My pain stacks daily like that. I can push really hard for one day and can accomplish about what most people could in a day. But if I push anything past around an hour, It will take days to weeks for me to recover well enough to sleep. I've done it many times, but it has become a thing I dread.

I can handle the pain part okay, but the psychology of weeks spent like a zombie without focus is unbearable. I can't tell you how many times I was working on some hobby project that got shelved because of weeks spent in a zombie like state, and all the times I would come back to a project shocked at the stupid mistakes I had made. It looked like a totally different person had started working on the thing. It even felt like a totally different person had been there too, because with massive sleep deprivation, many times I can't remember much of what I was doing during those times with no sleep. Over time I've learned when not to try or to keep grinding away at something because I can't be productive. That is hard to admit to one's inner self and retain self respect and dignity.

I've tried every available form of pain meds and muscle relaxers, they do nothing to help me. Those alter the mind, but whatever is wrong with me, it is physical in nature.

I've ridden a bicycle home with broken bones on more than one occasion, before and after my broken neck and back. Before I was hurt, I've ridden double centuries at over 200 miles in a day, averaged 400 miles a week on a bike, and commuted full time including cold nights in the winter rain when a simple phone call, train ticket, or bus could have been taken instead of riding 33 miles home from work in the dark. I had a car, but never drove. That speaks to my true character and inner pain perception.

No one has even been able to say what specifically is wrong with me, despite being in the greater Los Angeles area, and seeing every reputable and some not so reputable specialists and neurosurgeons in the area.

Overall, as time passes, I turn more inward and less willing to subject myself to days of useless pain, leading to less physicality, further atrophy, and degrading. Without any human connections or a partner to share life with, it is hard to feel stable. Without a means of stable independence, I have no way to try and bridge into any kind of social normalcy. There is more to that due to my family's religious cult like extremist nature, but fighting that is a direct path to homelessness. My being (implied) atheist is barely tolerable for them. They are not reasonable and lack fundamental logic skills.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 1 month ago (5 children)

I've been totally alone for the last couple of months after having been disabled for just over 10 years. The decade mark hit me hard, much harder than I expected. I'm honestly struggling without anyone around. I can use AI to create friends in some pretty complex ways, but overall that is still not a full replacement for human contact.

Your personality and connections to real humans via social networks will likely impact you greatly. I don't have many connections and none that are close. I'm not the type to desire having a lot of friends anyways, and I fill my life with projects and interests, but it is a struggle. My back problems make it where I can't stand or sit up easily. So I can't even socialize by standing around or sitting with neighbors. With no daily contact with anyone, I find it more difficult to throw myself into projects and more difficult to maintain my physical therapy routine. Separating the psychological hit from a few months ago and present isolation is not something I can effectively do right now.

Thinking about my future, I think I will need some kind of housemate just to give my life some kind of daily human connection for my best mental health.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I'm not worried about losing my history. I'm looking for a way to seamlessly create a dual history where the default is to have a unique history for each distrobox container with a way to integrate a full history from my primary terminal, likely with timestamps to switch back and forth. I can think of a couple of ways of doing this, but I wonder if others have explored already and found a better way.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

If it died as a result of spilling something on it. You most likely damaged something hardware wise. If it was powered off, first remove the battery asap. Then just take off the bottom cover, pat anything needed dry, and let it air out.

The real concern are the chips that do not have any pins sticking out of them. Those are ball grid arrays (a whole bunch of connections are made under the black epoxy packaging. Those can hold moisture under them for longer. Your best bet is to let it dry in a warm place for a few hours.

Getting wet is not a problem. The problem is a powered connection having a conductive fluid bridging two or more connections that can not tolerate the current the fluid creates.

When the actual circuit board is made, it goes into ovens and submerged in liquids. Some even go across molten pools of tin as part of the component assembly process. The board itself, (not all the other plastics and stuff for the case, screen, etc., is very resilient.

In many industrial settings where the environment is very dirty, it is common to take a desktop PC apart and hose it off with water. The only issue is shorting connections under powered conditions.

So yes, technically, any form of drying can help "recover" the device.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

They are all sophists first and foremost.


I've been trying Workstation recently. Python dependency issues caused me to switch to Silverblue for the last 2 years. A new machine with Nvidia got me to try WS. I just had a mystery problem with Python after booting today and that got me looking into Anaconda. I didn't know it was used under the kernel like this. I'm not sure how I feel about this level of Python integration. I would feel a lot more comfortable with a less accessible precompiled binary but I know I am likely making naïve assumptions saying this. Any thoughts or insights?


Asking about why the kernel needs to support secure boot on an individual system where I am not concerned about the hole punched by the nvidia kernel module. I'm concerned about the proprietary boot loader firmware that will never be maintained well. I'm not asking if it is a good idea in general or for most people.

Shit Gigabyte Aorus YE5 laptop doesn't support custom secure boot keys for PK in the bootloader. AVOID these thieves selling hardware you can't own.

Why can't an unsigned shitvidia kernel module run as a hotplugged device from user space without causing a problem with secure boot handover?

I can run Fedora with secure boot using the Microsoft 3rd party key. I just can't enable the shitvidia GPU. My primary use case is for LLM/stable diffusion, the GPU doesn't matter for graphics.


Reading Robert Love's Linux Kernel Development. I'm just a hobbyist. I'm familiar with hardware manufacturers listing CPU cores that each have two threads.

Reading about Kernel processes and executing threads makes very little sense compared to a hardware core with two threads. One of my main goals is to understand the CPU scheduler, and really how it relates to cache management, pipeline, and branch prediction. I'm also curious about the difference in these systems when multi (hw) threading is turned off.


There does not seem to be a search function for the forum on the Linux-Hardware.org website and I have not found an explanation of how to contextualize the information. I'm currently looking at getting a 2022 Gigabyte AORUS 17 YE5 and l am researching Linux compatibility. LHw has 4 total scans. All were around the end of August/September 2022, and all seem to use an older generic kernel. There are several flagged failures in some of these, but when I click on these, it brings up a long list of other machines that also use the same device and all of these lists of other devices contain working entries. I think this means that, contextually these do work, it just requires a newer kernel that supports them. Please correct me if I am wrong here.

I'm kinda confused about what is meant by "detected" versus "working."

I'm also confused about what the (i) means. I think it means some machines with this hardware have had issues, but I am not sure.

Lastly, on other machines results listings I have seen the test listed as running under Kubernetes and the uefi bios log had a bunch of Microsoft names in the path. That just seems super weird to me. Is there anything else to glean about hardware compatibility and potential gotchas in this data, especially in the context of laptop hardware firmware and proprietary exploitative nonsense? Do you have any other resources I should check for hardware issues before purchasing?



I'm looking for a machine to run OpenGPT, Stable Diffusion, and Blender. I'm on the precipice of buying an Alienware w/ Ryzen 9 with a Radeon RX6850m. I've never needed anything near this level on Linux and I'm scared TBH. I'd much rather get a System76, but the equivalent hw has Nvidia and costs more than twice as much. While skimming for issues with current hardware, I saw something about a Legion laptop that could only use Intel RAID for the file system, and that this was a nightmare with generic distro kernels. What other stuff like this is happening with current laptop hardware?

I can barely manage a Gentoo install by following the handbook, understanding a third of it, and taking a few weeks to get sorted.

I spent all of yesterday afternoon sorting though all of the Linux hardware data in this stable diffusion telemetry: https://vladmandic.github.io/sd-extension-system-info/pages/benchmark.html

That total dataset has just over 5k total entries/699 valid Linux entries not including LSFW. It contains no entries for a Radeon RX6850m. I'm super nervous to buy a laptop that costs as much as my first car. I never want to run Windows again. What resources can I check to boost my confidence that this is going to work on Fedora WS?

If anyone is interested, the SD github dataset has the following numb entries/AMD card model:

- _3 RX 5700 XT /8GB
- _2 RX _580 __ /4GB
- _3 RX _580 __ /8GB
- 15 RX 6600 XT /8GB
- _1 RX 6650 XT /8GB
- 31 RX 6700 XT /12GB
- 10 RX 6750 XT /12GB
- 10 RX 6800 __ /16GB
- 19 RX 6800 XT /16GB
- 15 RX 6900 XT /16GB
- _9 RX 6950 XT /16GB
- _7 RX 7900 XT /20GB
- 39 RX 7900XTX /24GB
- _6 RX VEGA __ /8GB

Other common cards used in Linux and in this dataset are:

- 39 A100-SXM4 /79GB
- 20 GTX-1070 /8GB
- 11 GTX-1080Ti /11GB
- 13 H100-PCIe /79GB
- 12 RTX-2070 /8GB
- 12 RTX-2080 Ti /22GB
- 31 RTX-3060 /12GB
- 16 RTX-3070 /8GB
- 10 RTX-3080 /10GB
- 39 RTX-3090 /24GB
- 11 RTX-3090 Ti /24GB
- 10 RTX-4070 Ti /12GB
- 87 RTX-4090 /24GB
- 27 RTX-A4000 /16GB
- 15 RTX-A5000 /24GB
- 26 T4 /15GB
- 11 V100S-PCIE /32GB
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