[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 minutes ago

Happy cake day!

Do you have ceiling fans? I honestly have rarely even wanted AC because ceiling fans do such a good job at keeping the place cool up to at least the low 30s, when I'm not headed up from doing exercise.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

The reason is that too be a Short it has to be vertical.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 11 hours ago
[-] [email protected] 11 points 17 hours ago

YT Shorts are basically just TikTok crossposts anyway

Hey that's not true! Some of them a small clips from longer main videos.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 17 hours ago

Yeah same for Australia.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 17 hours ago

I thought they mostly made money through sponsorships rather than direct payments.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 18 hours ago

The difference is just another nit pick someone will find excuses to argue over

No, it isn't. The scientific research actually suggests that keeping DST is worse than switching back and forth. I have to admit I find that confusing, since a lot of the specific studies I've looked at concentrate on the effects caused by the switchover itself, but the meta-analysis doesn't mince words:

In summary, the scientific literature strongly argues against the switching between DST and Standard Time and even more so against adopting DST permanently.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 19 hours ago

To be fair, they did say "and for some a half".

Though that misses the Kathmandu, Eucla, and Chatham Islands, which are all :45.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 19 hours ago

Oh, I see. Yeah I suppose it is, now that you point it out. It comes from:

  • .gov: the US government
  • .nih: the US National Institutes of Health
  • .nlm: the National Library of Medicine
  • .ncbi: the National Center for Biotechnology Information

But really, I only know it because it's a very common host that comes up when you're searching for published research papers. I just see "bunch of Ns .gov" and know it's reliable.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 19 hours ago

For what it's worth, Philly D is someone I could have answered the original question with too. Not for any spectacular reason like the above—I had already stopped watching him before that occurred. For me it was just finding his focus was too much on sensationalist pop culture news rather than news reporting that interested me. He wasn't doing anything wrong, it just wasn't right for me.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 19 hours ago

Yeah you're absolutely right that it does create a tradeoff. My experience has just been that I'd usually consider it a worthwhile tradeoff. In general, the number of people who have to deal with setting meetings is lower than the number of people who attend meetings, especially when you take into account multinational companies.

And when you're attending a meeting, you only care about knowing what time it has been scheduled for already. It's in scheduling that you have to work out when is going to be best for your audience, and I'm of the opinion that the distinction between "what time is this in my time zone and their time zone?" and "where does this time sit in relation to their working day?" is net neutral. With one aspect being a strict positive and the other being a net neutral (in my opinion), I think it still wins out and becomes worthwhile.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 20 hours ago

I personally would prefer if we all used UTC. My working hours would be 23:00 to 07:00. A Brits working hours would be 09:00 to 17:00, and a New Yorker would work 13:00 to 21:00.

But this does have its own drawbacks. Personally I just think those drawbacks, in the sorts of real-world time-related conversations I've had, are less than the drawbacks of dealing with varying time zones.

But yeah, the biggest factor is daylight saving time. Doing away with it is the number one option places that use it should take, regardless of whether one advocates for abolishing time zones or not.

Normie Gary (jlai.lu)
submitted 5 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Original source by ZeTrystan.

Transcriptiona four-panel comic.

The first panel shows a boy brushing his teeth. In the background are framed photos of a white dog, a weird fox-like creature, and Rick Astley from the music video for Never Gonna Give You Up, as well as usual bathroom things. He wears a yellow shirt with "LOL" written on it. Above him is a bubble with the words "Normie Gary" in it.

The second panel shows the same scene, but the boy is gone, leaving behind his toothbrush and a spot of toothpaste. Where he stood are white puffs of smoke, with the word "POOF". The bubble saying "Normie Gary" is slightly larger.

The third panel shows the boy with a confused expression on his face, dribbling spit. He is surrounded by white clouds, and in the background are blurry flames. "NORMIE GARY" is repeated, much larger, now a speech bubble with three tails coming off of it. In the same direction as that bubble's tails are three other speech bubbles each with a single tail, reading "?!", "!!!" and "!?!".

The fourth panel shows the boy sitting surrounded by three demon-like creatures with red skin, cloven hoofs, and horns. They each have a speech bubble. The first reads "It... It worked???" The second: "AAAAAH!" And the final "WHAT THE FU" (before it gets cut off by the edge of the frame with only the leftmost edge of what might be a "C" visible). The boy looks even more confused than in the previous panel, mouth agape, surrounded by question marks.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


How To Confound A Centaur

Centaur: Hold it right there, you can't just ride through my fields uncontested! I'll lose my credibility if we don't battle or something.

Me: That's fair. How about we–

Centaur: And it can't be a pun battle, I heard what you did to the sphinx.

Me: Darn. Okay, what if I beat you in a horse race?

Centaur: Ha! Alright, your funeral. Where's the finish line?

Me: That tree over there. Where's your horse?

Centaur: (gestures at horsey backside) Um...?

Me: You're not a horse, this is a HORSE race. You have to race with an actual horse.

Centaur: You want me... a centaur... to RIDE a regular horse.

Me: That is, linguistically-speaking, what you agreed to.

Centaur: ...

Me: ...

Centaur: I hate you.

Me: That's fair.


submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


A frame from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring showing the wizard Gandalf holding up his sword and staff.

Underneath is a YouTube comment by AlexTheEpic. It is dated 4 years ago.

Gandalf tells the party to run so he can kill the final boss and get all the XP. Then he shows up next session all leveled up and with new robes and a new staff.

Scumbag Gandalf.

The comment has 4.5K thumbs up and 67 replies.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
Hasbro bad (aussie.zone)
submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


Tweet by Jeremy Crawford: Get out there and defeat your bosses today!

Reply by D&D Beyond: For legal reasons we feel like we should clarify, he means Dungeons & Dragons bosses

Reply by Jeremy Crawford: I mean what I mean.

Under his final reply, Jeremy Crawford shares a picture of former Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner with a forced smile standing next to the Hasbro logo.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


Me as a Dungeon Master watching my players make a situation ten times more complicated than what I had planned

Below that text is a video of actor Pedro Pascal slowly chewing a sandwich staring directly forward with a thoughtful look on his face.

Dice Bags (aussie.zone)
submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

TranscriptionA heading: "Know your dice bags", above a series of comic panels. 4 panels arranged 2-by-2, with a 5th panel the full width of the image below.

A picture of a short brown-haired girl holding up two blue pouches smiling with her eyes closed, under the caption "These bags are for my dice."

A picture of the same girl with a sly half-squinting expression, holding one green bag, under the caption "This is the bag for my really pretty dice."

A picture of the same girl holding a single die in one hand and a purple bag in the other, under the caption "This bag protects the dice set I love the most."

A picture of the same girl with a disgusted expression holding an orange bag, under the caption "This bag holds my other, smaller bags." At the bottom image is a secondary caption: "Don't judge."

An image of the same girl with a dark expression, holding a black pouch. To the left of her is the caption "And this…this is the bag for the dice that have BETRAYED me." To the right of her is the caption "They will never see the light of day again.

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


Panel 1:

A picture of a green-skinned orc and a red-skinned man with small horn stumps and flaming hair, both holding mugs. The red-skinned man says:

Well, my mom was a fire elemental and my dad was a tiefling...

Text between panels:

Twenty-something years ago

Panel 2:

An over-the-shoulder image of a man having sex with a woman. The man is not shown in much detail. We see the woman from shoulder up, and she is entirely covered in flames. The woman says:

Don't you want to ...stop?

Panel 3:

The man is seen from in front, shirtless. He has long horns that curve back and then up. He has flames coming out of his hair and sweat dripping from his body. Smoke waves curl up from the bottom of the frame. The man says:

Hell nah babe I'm only takin' half damage

Panel 4:

The orc and the red-skinned man from the first panel are shown again. The orc has a look of concern on his face. The red-skinned man says:

He's dead now.

Artist's signature:

VLM 2020

Text at the bottom of the image, like an afterthought:

"boating accident. very tragic"

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Source: Pathfinder 2e Gamemastery Guide


A screenshot of plain text, reading:

The Experience Points gained for besting an NPC depend on how the party overcame them, because XP comes from overcoming a specific challenge. If the PCs defeat the NPC in a non-combat setting of the NPC’s specialty, the party gets XP based on the NPC’s non-combat level. If they just beat the NPC up, the XP would be based on the NPC’s creature level. Quite often, that means 0 XP and failure at the PCs’ objective; for instance, during a baking contest, if the PCs murder the other baker, not only would they be disqualified, but the would likely be apprehended for their crime.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]



I've never been to Las Vegas but I love it in concept because it sounds so made up. Imagine if you were reading a fantasy novel and they were like "smack in the middle of a deadly inhospitable desert there is a glittering city of indulgence and lawlessness and cheap sin that has specifically engineered itself to obfuscate your sense of time and keep you there as long as possible while they take all your valuables." You'd be like yeah that's some wizard shit.


Places to add to my next DnD campaign:

  • Las Vegas

16,747 notes

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


Justice Arman


My first DM didn't have any minis, so he would use gummies or other snacks. We liked this bc whoever killed the foe got to eat it. It was very primal.

The height of drama was a boss fight in which he placed a HUGE DONUT on the battlemap in front of five hungry college kids.


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